Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: August 1, 2022

Over 20 people perished in Mbale mudslide.

Over 20 people perished in Mbale mudslide.

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Heavy and extended rains started about 8pm on 30th July 2022 in Eastern Uganda leading to flooding in the areas of Mbale, Kapchorwa, and Sironko. 📌 Mbale 7 People dead. Areas most affected: Namabasa, Bugwere Cell, Bungoko subcounty (in 3 villages) Redcross deployed 2 ambulances to support Emergency evacuations, 20 Response Action Teams deployed to support rapid needs assessment. 📌 Kapchorwa 3 dead, 4 injurred and referred to Kapchorwa main hospital. 1 ambulance deployed to support emergency evacuations, and 10 Response Action Teams deployed to support Rapid Needs assessment. Areas most affected: Kapsida subcounty, Chemalim village, Tuyobei Parish. 📌 Sironko district Most affected areas: Villages around Sironko Town Council, Bukise S/C, Busambya, Bumukha, Doko, Nabirete, Dorcus, Bukiyend...
Uhuru’s retirement package shocks nation!!

Uhuru’s retirement package shocks nation!!

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Over 32 million KHS President Uhuru's retirement package: Awaits . • Sh1.2 million monthly pension • Sh200,000 monthly entertainment allowance • Sh300,000 monthly house allowance • Sh300,000 monthly for electricity & water bills • 24/7 security • 4 cars -replaced every 3 years • 4 drivers • Sh261,000 fuel allowance Fully equipped offices provided and maintained • 2 cooks • 4 housekeepers • 4 gardeners • 2 laundry persons • 4 house cleaners • 4 armed guards at urban and rural homes • Medical insurance for local & overseas treatment. Outgoing First Lady Margaret Kenyatta and their eligible children are entitled to a pension, which cannot be varied in their lifetime and paid at half the rate of the principal beneficiary.
Mr. Sandor Walusimbi appointed new press secretary.

Mr. Sandor Walusimbi appointed new press secretary.

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Prseident Yoweri Museveni has Sunday, July 31,2022 appointed Mr Sandor Walusimbi as his new press secretary replacing Ms Linda Nabusayi. Ms Nabusayi has been in the position since April 2021 when she replaced Mr Don Wanyama after he was appointed the managing director/chief executive officer, Vision Group, Uganda. Farouk Kirunda, a junior Press Secretary to the president confirmed the appointment. ‘I take the pleasure to congratulate my brother, Sandor Walusimbi, upon his appointment as the Senior Press Secretary to H. E the President. I have no doubt in your ability to deliver. I also thank my sister, Linda, for her service and wish her wonders in her new posting. FK ” he wrote on Twitter. Walusimbi has been the head of communication at State House Anti-corruption Unit was appointed on Su...
President Museveni to address the nation again on Friday, August 5, 2022.

President Museveni to address the nation again on Friday, August 5, 2022.

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The president’s issues to be addressed, according to senior presidential press secretary Lindah Nabusayi, are “development issues.” According to Nabusayi, the address will be broadcast live on all local televisions and radios. “@KagutaMuseveni will address the Nation on Friday August 5, 2022 at 8.00pm #DevelopmentIssues the address will be broadcast live on all Televisions and Radios,” Nabusayi stated in a tweet. The president will be on the air for the third time in two weeks to address the nation. The address comes at a time when Museveni’s government is under fire for failing to address the country’s current inflation. The president’s address last Wednesday was criticised for failing to provide immediate solutions for Ugandans who are trapped in poverty and must now buy products they ca...
Eddie Kwizera endorsed as party flag bearer, amidst party internal wars in Kisoro.

Eddie Kwizera endorsed as party flag bearer, amidst party internal wars in Kisoro.

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The Minister for ICT and national guidance, also the NRM western Uganda Deputy Chairman Chris Baryomunsi , has officially endorsed the NRM party flag bearer for the Bukimbiri county by-election in Kisoro district. Kwizera Eddie was shown to thousands of NRM supporters, who gathered at Rubuguri play ground in Bukimbiri town, Hon. Baryomunsi said that Kisoro district has many tourist attractions and now the government has plans to build roads in these places to further attract tourists, there asked the people of Bukimbiri to vote for an NRM flag bearer who will be able to address their issues to the president. Kisoro people have been in the habit of voting on the basis of religion which Baryomunsi condemned and called on the people of Bukimbiri to desist from sectarianism but vote for resour...