Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Eddie Kwizera endorsed as party flag bearer, amidst party internal wars in Kisoro.

The Minister for ICT and national guidance, also the NRM western Uganda Deputy Chairman Chris Baryomunsi , has officially endorsed the NRM party flag bearer for the Bukimbiri county by-election in Kisoro district.
Kwizera Eddie was shown to thousands of NRM supporters, who gathered at Rubuguri play ground in Bukimbiri town,
Hon. Baryomunsi said that Kisoro district has many tourist attractions and now the government has plans to build roads in these places to further attract tourists, there asked the people of Bukimbiri to vote for an NRM flag bearer who will be able to address their issues to the president.
Kisoro people have been in the habit of voting on the basis of religion which Baryomunsi condemned and called on the people of Bukimbiri to desist from sectarianism but vote for resourceful people like Kwizera so that he can work with the government to provide them with better services.
“Let’s be united for a common goal leave alone politics of tribes and religion so that NRM consolidates popularity, I assure you the Bukimbiri tourism roads are going to be worked upon and the contractor DOT service has already signed the contract” said Baryomunsi.
Baryomunsi also said that issues of poor network coverage within the mountainous bukimbiri constituency will be addressed soon as his ministry of ICT has already deployed experts to assess the situation.
Head of Information at the National resistance secretariat Emanuel Dombo said that after handing over the flag to Kwizera, they are waiting for him to be nominated by the Electoral Commission on Tuesday next week and thanked the people of Bukimbiri for their tireless support to the NRM.
“Let me assure our candidate that we will leave Kisoro district after securing the victory” Said Dombo.
The residents of Bukimbiri thanked President Museveni for giving them Bukimbiri constituency so that they can get better services and vowed to elect NRM candidate Kwizera to show their appreciation.
However after handing over the flag to Kwizera, independent NRM leaning Asigalire Turyagyenda who was present at the event vowed not to step down citing misdeeds in the party which are not addressed. He said he has enough support and he will stand as an independent.
“There is no unity in the party here on ground and at the secretariat let them not deceive you, if the issues are not sorted am not stepping aside’’ said Asigalire.
Speaking to Kisoro District Chairman Mateke Phirimon he confirmed that the NRM is united in Kisoro district which is why they do not expect an NRM member to contest as an independent.
Kwizera Eddy thanked the NRM for standing with him and learning from him in the election that brought him back to Parliament and prayed that Bukimbiri county is NRM supporters and they will win high.
The by-election in Bukimbiri county followed a court annulling the victory of NRM candidate Kwizera Eddy Wagahungu after finding that the photo and names on the ballot paper did not match which caused voters to be confused about whom to vote for.
The nomination for the re-election for the Bukimbiri county seat will be held on 1st and 2nd of next month while the election will be held on 11th of next month.

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