Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: August 4, 2022

The cost countries pay when leaders get obsessed.

The cost countries pay when leaders get obsessed.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
As I grew up in the catholic church, I was always puzzled why we prayed for the leaders before praying for ourselves! From the Pope, Cardinal, Bishops, priests, Presidents, local leaders, catechists and lastly to ourselves. I used to fear that perhaps God’s blessing would reach us when it is already diluted, am sorry I didn’t know the value of praying for the leaders. Like it or not, leaders mean a lot in our lives, they can build or break the society, that’s why John Maxwell puts it clearly that “everything rises and falls on leadership”. When you have good leaders, you thrive; jobs are available, roads are passable, education affordable, health care guaranteed, security tight and life is generally good. When you have bad or incompetent leaders, it’s the opposite; crime is on the rise, u...
Mukula unveils one of the 4 ships constructed in Uganda. 

Mukula unveils one of the 4 ships constructed in Uganda. 

FEATURED, GOSSIP, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
Each Ship at capacity of 4.500ts special designed for oil transport between Uganda and Kenya crossing the world 2nd largest lake – LAKE VICTORIA. Its first sail is on the 15th of August 2022, setting off from Kawuku heading to kisumu to collect fuel from Mombasa. The new ships will be operated under management of Mahathi Infra Uganda Ltd, which core specialty lies in its engineering expertise in safe and efficient oil and maritime infrastructure. Mahathi Infra Uganda Ltd provides the infrastructure necessary to store and transport fuel providing reliable seaborne transportation of oil from Kenya to Uganda.


FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
An opinion poll on Kenya’s presidential election shows former prime minister Raila Odinga leads the battle. According to the survey released on Tuesday by the Ipsos group, 47% of respondents said they would vote for Odinga in next week’s presidential election. Kenya's deputy president, William Ruto, was second at 41%, with George Wajackoya and David Mwaure a distant third and fourth respectively. Nine per cent of voters were undecided. Under Kenya’s election system, a candidate needs to win 50% of the vote plus one to be declared the winner and avoid a runoff. "Should Raila convert half of the undecided voters he will win this election first round. If Dr. William Ruto converts 100 percent of the undeclared vote, he will force a re-run," said Samuel Muthoka, the East and Horn of Africa dire...
Criminal Taxi  Gangs Increase in Kampala.

Criminal Taxi  Gangs Increase in Kampala.

Police has revealed that they are registering high cases of I ncidents of passengers being robbed by gangs in taxis. The police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said that the taxi gangs have been identified along sections that feed into the Kampala Northern Bypass, from Busega to Namboole. “As the police, we continue to receive complaints that criminals in conspiracy with rogue taxi drivers and conductors rob innocent passengers who board taxis of their valuables like cash, mobile phones, jewelry, and ATM cards,” said Enanga. He explained that normally passengers board the taxis, after seeing other occupants in the taxi yet these are criminals disguised as other passengers. “The victims are attacked as the taxi starts moving and are forced to surrender their cash, mobile phones, ATM cards, reveal...
UCC to switch off six million fake phones in rejuvenated campaign.

UCC to switch off six million fake phones in rejuvenated campaign.

The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has revealed that they are going to switch off six million phones that are currently being used on different networks in the country in six months’ time in a rejuvenated campaign. “The number of fake phones and devices in the market are many but we are looking at those already on the network. The ones that have been switched onto the network are about six million phones and have been identified as being fake or illegitimate,” UCC Corporate Affairs Director, Fred Otunnu said According to Otunnu, whereas there is an influx of fake mobile handsets onto the Ugandan market, they will only target those already connected onto the available networks in the country. He explained that in order to effectively do this, there is a system identified as the cent...