Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: May 2, 2023

MTN Uganda hands over a 3-classroom block at Frontiers PEAS High Schoolin Isingiro District.

MTN Uganda hands over a 3-classroom block at Frontiers PEAS High Schoolin Isingiro District.

MTN Uganda has handed over a new fully equipped three-classroom block at Frontiers PEAS High School in Isingiro District to boost the students' learning environment. The project worth Shs202 million was funded by MTN Foundation, and implemented through Promoting Equality in African Schools (PEAS), a non-government organisation dedicated to improving access to quality education across the country. Bryan Mbasa, the Senior Manager at MTN Foundation said the new classroom block - equipped with desks and a water tank - will create space for at least 180 learners. “We at MTN believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality education, and this can only be achieved with adequate infrastructural facilities,” he said. He said the new classroom block will enable Frontiers PEAS High School to adm...
Servant leader Rev. Bakaluba, chased like a chicken thief district councillors .

Servant leader Rev. Bakaluba, chased like a chicken thief district councillors .

The Mukono district council turned chaotic as district Councillors opposed the move to hire Buikwe district service commission to work on behalf of the suspended Mukono district service commission. Some of the Councillors did not welcome the motion which was much supported by the district chairperson Rev.Peter Bakaluba Mukasa, and it sparked heated debate thus ending the unceremoniously as councillors nearly wrestled each other in the council hall. At first the meeting started with a formal discussion at the district headquarters and many proposals were passed including the bive away of the Kyetume abattoir land to the investor and all agreed. However, when it came to the proposal to hire the Buikwe District service commission, councilors led by Odongo Samuel rose up against the propsal a...
Exclusive :why head of regional force in east DR Congo violence resigns.

Exclusive :why head of regional force in east DR Congo violence resigns.

The Kenyan commander of a regional force set up to tackle militia violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo said he had resigned due to obstruction and threats to his safety, adding to doubts over whether the mission can be effective. The seven countries of the East African Community (EAC) set up the EACRF military force last April to try to end in eastern DRC. But its mandate expired last month and EAC leaders have expressed differing views on how it should operate, with Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi demanding a more aggressive stance than the peacekeeping mandate proposed by others. Its commander, Major General Jeff Nyagah, said in a letter dated Thursday he was quitting due to an "aggravated threat" to his safety and a "systematic plan" to frustrate the force's efforts...
Exclusive-Minister Engola confirmed dead.

Exclusive-Minister Engola confirmed dead.

The State Minister for Labour, Employment and Industrial Relations, Col (rtd) Charles Okello Engola has been shot dead this morning by his body guard from his home in Kyanja, a Kampala suburb. The Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigire confirmed the incident. A soldier has shot his boss,” Owoyesigire told this publication in a brief telephone interview.
Namutumba district hosts international labour day national celebrations.

Namutumba district hosts international labour day national celebrations.

All roads that led to Namutumba District last morning where the national celebrations for the International Labour Day are being hosted. The occasion was kicked off with performances from various teams carrying key messages in rhythm with the theme for this year's observance: " *Promoting Positive Work Culture and Ethics: A Prerequisite for Increased Investment, Employment Opportunities and Household Income* ." The Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Amongi Betty Ongom along with the Minister of State for Labour, Col. Charles Okello Engola Macodwogo and the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Aggrey David Kibenge have been doing the honours of ensuring that the event flows seamlessly as lead hosts. Medals are also inline to be awarded to exceptional personalities who have had a ...