Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Servant leader Rev. Bakaluba, chased like a chicken thief district councillors .

The Mukono district council turned chaotic as district Councillors opposed the move to hire Buikwe district service commission to work on behalf of the suspended Mukono district service commission.
Some of the Councillors did not welcome the motion which was much supported by the district chairperson Rev.Peter Bakaluba Mukasa, and it sparked heated debate thus ending the unceremoniously as councillors nearly wrestled each other in the council hall.
At first the meeting started with a formal discussion at the district headquarters and many proposals were passed including the bive away of the Kyetume abattoir land to the investor and all agreed.
However, when it came to the proposal to hire the Buikwe District service commission, councilors led by Odongo Samuel rose up against the propsal and he was joined by others propmpting the chairman Rev. Peter Bakaluba Mukasa to run out of the council hall leaving his eye glasses and phones behind, he sought refugee in nearby office locking him self there because councillors wanted to lynch him.
The Councillors said it was not worth hiring people from other district and expressed concern that there might be injustice in the job placement and many people in Mukono would be left out.
Odongo Samuel accused the chaiman for running the district as if he is running his schools and home, he added he is ready to seek legal redress.
Mukono district for three years now is being run without the district service commission leaving some 300 positions vacant including mukono general hospital, the education department and engineering department.
Sarah Kiyondo, the former head of the Mukono district service commission, was suspended three years ago leaving the district without a service commission.
Our efforts to get the comment from Rev. Peter Bakaluba Mukasa and Speaker Betty Nakasi were futile as they both refused to open their offices for a press comment.

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