Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: March 24, 2023

A huge number of people injured as UPDF battles residents over Namboole land.

A huge number of people injured as UPDF battles residents over Namboole land.

Mary Nanzige, a resident of Kirinnya-Bweyogerere, told New Vision, that her son Moses Wambi, 18, a bodaboda cyclist on the Kazinga stage, along Kampala-Jinja Road, was among the injured victims. “Imagine my son was dropping off a passenger in Kampala when a UPDF soldier shot him in the chest when he had just reached Bweyogerere!” Nanzige said. Medics who worked on Wambi told us on condition of anonymity, “It seems he was shot at a close range because, from the chest, the bullet passed through and came out from his back,” they said. Another victim-Aisha Nakitende-told New Vision that bullet fragments injured her in the neck as she was rushing to save her child’s mattress from being thrown out by the angry armed soldiers. “My plea to let me remove my household items from the house fell on th...
Bemba appointed as DR Congo defence chief.

Bemba appointed as DR Congo defence chief.

Latest News, NEWS
Bemba, who served as vice-president from 2003 to 2006, had been jailed by the International Criminal Court over crimes committed by rebels under his command, but the court overturned his sentence in 2018. The Democratic Republic of Congo is struggling to quell an armed rebellion by the M23 insurgency, which Kinshasa and several Western governments say is backed by neighbouring Rwanda. Tshisekedi's former chief of staff, Vital Kamerhe, was appointed as minister of economy, after he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for embezzlement before being acquitted last year. The country is due to go to the polls in December. Tshisekedi, who has been in power since January 2019, has said that he will run for re-election.
Headteacher remanded for allegedly defiling 16-year-old.

Headteacher remanded for allegedly defiling 16-year-old.

A Magistrate Court in Kaliro district has charged and remanded a Primary School head teacher for allegedly defiling a 16-year-old girl. Joseph Muhanbi,a resident of Namukakala village in Budomero sub-county, Kaliro district was on Thursday (March 23) charged with aggravated defilement. Grade One Magistrate Nazifa Namayanja read him the charge but declined his plea on the same, saying the offence was capital in nature and only triable by the High Court. Prosecution led by Emmanuel Tayani told Court that on March 13, 2023, at around 7:30pm after evening classes when the girl was going back home, the teacher offered her a lift on his bicycle to their home. “The girl agreed to the head teacher's offer of the lift since he was his teacher in Primary Six and it was also getting late, but as they...
Museveni directs Gen Isoke after PDM cash meant for Acholi sub-region is stolen.

Museveni directs Gen Isoke after PDM cash meant for Acholi sub-region is stolen.

President Yoweri Museveni warns those misappropriating PDM money, saying they are stupid and will be arrested. President Yoweri Museveni has ordered the State House Anti-Corruption Unit to investigate cases of extortion and mismanagement of funds meant for the Parish Development Model (PDM) in the Acholi sub-region. While addressing the gathering at Kaunda grounds in Gulu City as he concluded his Acholi sub region tour on investment and wealth creation last month under the theme: “Securing your future through wealth creation and shared prosperity”, the President received shocking revelations and testimonies from the locals on how the wealth creation campaign has been mismanaged in its infant stages, expressing fear that its intended objectives might not be achieved and promised to follow u...
Bugwe cultural institution royal highness Philip Wanyama accorded a state funeral.

Bugwe cultural institution royal highness Philip Wanyama accorded a state funeral.

The Government of Uganda and Bugwe Cultural Institution regret to announce the passing on of His Royal Highness Philip Wanyama Hasibante Nahaama, which occurred on 2nd March 2023 at Kokilaben Ohirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute in India. His Royal Highness will be accorded an Official Funeral to be held on Saturday, 25th March, 2023 at Busumba village in Busia District. The cortege will depart from Kampala today morning and arrive in Busia for a Funeral Service at St. John’s Anglican Church at 12:00noon. Thereafter, an overnight vigil has been arranged at the Palace at Busumba Village. On Saturday, the burial ceremony will kick off with a Church service at 9:00am at the burial site. May the Soul of the Great Leader Rest in Eternal Peace. Announced by the Ministry of Ge...
Solar technologies can solve dependence on fossil fuels.

Solar technologies can solve dependence on fossil fuels.

Innovation experts have urged players in the agriculture sector to adopt and accelerate the use of solar technologies across the value chain to address reduce the sector’s dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the impact of climate change. This was during the Agri solar Stakeholder engagement workshop organized by the Innovation Village in partnership with Youth Challenge International and Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The workshop convened farmers, innovators, finance organizations and other ecosystem actors to identify innovative models and interventions capable of driving widescale adoption and use of solar technologies in Agriculture. Speaking at the event, Arthur Mukembo, Future Lab Studios Lead at Innovation Village said, “Uganda has a significant potential for solar energy prod...
MTN Uganda unveils ICT lab at Kabale preparatory school.

MTN Uganda unveils ICT lab at Kabale preparatory school.

Education, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS
Kabale Preparatory School in Kabale District has benefited from a fully equipped computer lab as part of the MTN Uganda Foundation’s efforts to boost information and communication technologies in schools and communities. The facility comes with 10 computers, a 24-hour power backup and one-year free internet connectivity courtesy of the MTN Digital Access Program. Other beneficiary institutions include Smart Girls Foundation in Wakiso District and Moroto Public Library in Moroto District. Bryan Mbasa, the Senior Manager of MTN Uganda Foundation said the new computer lab will provide space for inclusive and structured learning. “We at MTN Uganda believe that everyone deserves a modern connected life and computer labs are a springboard to educators looking to transform traditional instruction...
China’s plans to control Arabian sea from 3 naval bases.

China’s plans to control Arabian sea from 3 naval bases.

The nearest Chinese naval base to India is located at Yulin naval base near the town of Sanya of Hainan province, a distance of roughly 3,500 km from India’s southernmost point as the crow flies in a straight line. However, naval vessels don’t fly and hence, if today China has to bring its naval force into play in an assertive manner against India, its warships will have to take a long circuitous route to come near Indian shores,unless it already maintains a naval base or bases near India where its assets are berthed. The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has a fully functioning naval base at the African country of Djibouti; by multiple accounts, it is working to establish a similar naval station at Gwadar in Pakistan and it is eyeing a location in Mauritius where its naval ships can be...
Tilenga project-affected persons decry.

Tilenga project-affected persons decry.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Oil & Gas
Mr. Barikenda Fred, living on a clan land in Buliisa district is a Tilenga project-affected person. The land on which his house sits was compensated and he qualified for house reconstruction before he could be moved. However, Barikende and his four children were on 7th September 2022 ring-fenced as a measure to force them out of the place even when they had not built their house as it had been agreed. “TotalEnergies came and [ring]-fenced me and my family without my consent. They were supposed to construct my house somewhere else then I leave the site,” helpless man told press on March 21, 2023. “They came telling to vacate so quickly that the government wanted to use the site (his land).” Barikende says he has since gone through a lot of hardships to keep his family alive since he can no ...
Why the antihomosexuality law doesn’t infringe on human rights.

Why the antihomosexuality law doesn’t infringe on human rights.

As a student of human rights, I have had serious arguments with colleagues in regard to whether the recently passed antihomosexuality law infringes on the people's human rights. First of all I must salute the resilience of the eleventh Parliament led by the Speaker Rt Hon Anita Among for the spirited fight they put amidst external and internal threats and pressures to have this law in place. Because of limited space, I will not delve into every detail of the law but rather will focus on the fundamental issues; First, it’s fundamentally known that you can’t have a law that has 100 percent acceptance by the society. However like the saying goes that democracy is a tyranny of the majority over the minority, with the majority getting their way and the minority having their say, it ended with m...