Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: July 20, 2022

Go for Male-Dominated Jobs- Minister Amongi Urges Girls.

Go for Male-Dominated Jobs- Minister Amongi Urges Girls.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
The Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Amongi Betty Ongom implored the girl-child to break the barriers and seek opportunities in fields that have traditionally been tagged to be for men. “The NRM Government has over the years promoted the emancipation of women and today there is enough evidence to show that what a man can do, women can do. It’s now time for women and girls to go out and get those jobs that we grew up thinking are only done by men,” Amongi said. She was speaking at the opening of a new skilling facility at the Smart Girls Foundation at Kirerika ku Mbuzi along the Gazaya road in Kampala on Friday. The facility extends vocational and business skills to the girl child with the aim of transforming their lives and those of their loved ones. A brainchild of ...
Buikwe District Sub County Chairpersons Receives Motor Bikes Amidst Fuel Crisis.

Buikwe District Sub County Chairpersons Receives Motor Bikes Amidst Fuel Crisis.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
The 13 Buikwe sub county chairpersons have received motor bikes worth 300 million shillings from the ministry of local government to ease mobility in their sub counties. The motorcycles were handed over by the Buikwe woman member of parliament also minister of state in the office of the vice president Diana Mutasingwa, at the Buikwe district headquarters. While receiving the bikes the chairpersons asked government consider increasing their salaries due to their working conditions and the hiking prices of goods and commodities especially fuel in the country. The Lugazi Municipality Member of Parliament Stephen Serubula urged the leaders to handle these bikes responsibly to avoid driving them under the influence of alcohol and avoid taking them to every mechanic and they have to go through t...
President Museveni returns mining and minerals bill to Parliament.

President Museveni returns mining and minerals bill to Parliament.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
President Yoweri Museveni has returned the Mining and Minerals Bill, 2021 to parliament for reconsideration. The bill which seeks to improve mining and mineral administration, business processes, and promote value addition to minerals was passed by Parliament on February 17 and sent to the President for assent. But yesterday, the Speaker of Parliament Anita Among informed Parliament that the President had returned the Bill for reconsideration. In a letter dated June 18, 2022, Museveni advised Parliament to delete clause 8 on the definition of large-scale mining, because it defines large-scale mining to mean, international mining of minerals in a mechanized operation involving excavation of a large surface pit or underground openings. The definition also limits large-scale mining to operati...
The NRM party has commenced consultations for the Soroti East by-elections.

The NRM party has commenced consultations for the Soroti East by-elections.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
The National Resistance Movement-NRM party has commenced consultations for the Soroti East by-elections ahead of the official campaign period slated for next week. According to the roadmap issued by the Electoral Commission early last month, the nomination of candidates will be conducted on July 18th and 19th before campaigns kick off for five days. The by-election will take place on July 28, 2022. But the NRM party has been holding rallies in the Constituency since July 6, 2022, when they unveiled their candidate Herbert Edmund Ariko at Moru- Apesur Primary School. The party has continued with different activities including opening roads, launching the construction of Kichinjaji HC3 and Aloet primary school, and door-to-door campaigns among others. Besides the NRM top officials led by the...