Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: October 7, 2020

The African King who was on a Mission to Bankrupt Britain over War Crimes

The African King who was on a Mission to Bankrupt Britain over War Crimes

By MILDRED EUROPA TAYLOR In 2007 when Solomon Gafabusa Iguru, the Omukama or king of Bunyoro kingdom of western Uganda was invited to a banquet organized by the State to honor Queen Elizabeth II when she arrives in the country for Commonwealth, Iguru refused. The king had asked the government to organize a private meeting between him and the Queen, but that had not materialized. Three years prior to this, Iguru had sued the UK for “alleged atrocities committed by its soldiers during the colonial period,” demanding £3trillion (then $5,500bn) from the British monarchy. “The British burned down houses, destroyed crops and introduced syphilis to my people,” Iguru was quoted by The Telegraph. “They were responsible for the deaths of 2.4 million people. Moreo...
Museveni Warned Kiir Against Taking side in Ethiopian-Egyptian Dam Dispute in June – official

Museveni Warned Kiir Against Taking side in Ethiopian-Egyptian Dam Dispute in June – official

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics
JUBA – A senior South Sudan foreign ministry official is telling Sudans Post that Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in June warned President Salva Kiir against taking side in the Egyptian-Ethiopian dam dispute after reports unfolded of South Sudan government giving a piece of land to Egyptian military in Pagak, a Maiwut village bordering eastern Ethiopia where Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), whose terms of implementation are opposition by Egypt, is located. A few days earlier, before the Museveni warning, rumors circulated on the local media as well as some large international outlets including Al Jazeera alleging that South Sudan government had agreed to an Egyptian request for military base in the east of the country for a then possible military confrontation against E...
FUFA Gears Up Preparations Prior to 96th Annual Ordinary Assembly

FUFA Gears Up Preparations Prior to 96th Annual Ordinary Assembly

Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) is focused towards holding a successful 96th Annual Ordinary Assembly at Silver Springs Hotel in Bugolobi as hosted by Kampala region. Addressing the media at FUFA House in Mengo, Kampala, the FUFA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Edgar Watson hinted on the preparations for the AGM, a mandate of the federation constitution in compliance with the National Council of Sports (NCS). ‘We are glad to announce that FUFA will hold the 96th Ordinary Assembly at Silver Springs Hotel in Kampala region on Saturday, 17th Saturday 2020 in line with the statures of FUFA. The standard agenda of this Ordinary Assembly is by constitution. The Assembly will be held in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures of COVID-19. The delega...
Statement: Uganda Cranes Coach Not Happy with Mamelodi Sundowns

Statement: Uganda Cranes Coach Not Happy with Mamelodi Sundowns

Uganda Cranes coach Jonathan McKinstry is disappointed that captain Dennis Onyango will not be part of the team’s training camp in Dubai. The captain was stopped from joining the rest of the team in camp with his club Mamelodi Sundowns in South Africa citing several reasons. Below is a statement from the coach regarding the matter. We are very disappointed in Mamelodi Sundowns position regarding not releasing Denis Onyango for international duty during the October 2020 FIFA dates. Whilst they have released other team members for international duty for their respective nations; they communicated to us on Monday of this week (2 weeks after receiving notification of invitation for the player) that they wished to keep Denis Onyango with them on the basis that he would have to quar...
Property Worth Millions Destroyed After Fire Guts Block Of Shops

Property Worth Millions Destroyed After Fire Guts Block Of Shops

By Keefa Nuwahereza Several businesses were destroyed on Wednesday morning after fire gutted a block of lockup shops in Sembabule town, destroying property and merchandise  worth hundreds of millions of shillings. The fire started from a welding store and quickly spread to several other shops on the same block according to eyewitnesses. Several traders scampered out of their shops for dear lives when the fire broke out and only a few managed to save some little merchandise from being burnt. The entire block of shops caught fire By the time the fire brigade from Ssembabule police reached the scene little could be done to save any merchandise or property, since everything had been burnt to ashes. The police have since commenced investigations into the incident to es...
Marie Stopes Rebrands Defective Life Guard Condoms Despite Case Filed By Victims

Marie Stopes Rebrands Defective Life Guard Condoms Despite Case Filed By Victims

By Our Reporter The fight against HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in Uganda has  been dealt a huge blow after Marie Stopes, the distributors of Life Guard condoms, decided to rebrand their condoms which were banned by the Ministry of Health a few months ago for being defective. The Ministry of Health banned the distribution of Life Guard condoms early this year after they were found to be defective by the National Drug Authority (NDA) because many of them had holes and did not conform to the required standards. Because of distributing the defective Life Guard condoms, many of the victims who had contracted HIV/AIDS and other STDs after using the fake condoms sued Marie Stopes and the National Drug Authority vide case file numner 063 of 2020, of the Hi...
Trump, ‘Get your hands off Somali refugees!’

Trump, ‘Get your hands off Somali refugees!’

Before being admitted to the hospital for coronavirus infection, Donald Trump spent the last two weeks on yet another vile anti-immigrant tirade. Both in a policy statement to Congress and on a campaign stop in Minnesota, Trump veered to his campaign cornerstone to send yet another message to his racist base that immigrants are not welcome in this country.  But it is more dangerous than that.  Trump went after Rep. Ilhan Omar in her very own home state and screamed to the crowd, “She tells us how to run our country, can you believe it? How the hell did Minnesota elect her? What the hell is wrong with you people?” (NYTimes, Oct. 1) Rep. Omar’s background is Somali. She is the first Somali American, the first naturalized citizen of African birth and the first woman of ...
Express FC Gets New captain; Enock Walusimbi

Express FC Gets New captain; Enock Walusimbi

The Red Eagles have handed the armband to their new signing as they get ready for the season Express FC have settled for new signing Enock Walusimbi as their new captain for the upcoming campaign. In a statement on their official website, the club said: “The club through head coach Wasswa Bbosa has named versatile defender Enock Walusimbi as the new club captain. “The centre back who recently joined the Red Eagles on a two-year deal has been skipper before at Bright Stars and his former side will be tasked with providing exemplary leadership skills to his teammates.” Coach Bbosa also revealed why the technical bench had arrived at the decision to appoint the defender as the captain for the 2020-21 Ugandan Premier League (UPL) season. “Enock [Walusimbi] has been a capta...
Crown Beverages Offers 400 Cartons of Nivana Water to Uganda U17 Women Camp

Crown Beverages Offers 400 Cartons of Nivana Water to Uganda U17 Women Camp

Crown Beverages Limited (CBL) has partnered with FUFA to provide 400 cartons of Nivana water to the Uganda National Women U17 team preparing for the FIFA U17 World Cup Qualifier with Cameroon. The support comes in as a timely boost to the team aiming to qualify for the World Cup Finals due next year in India. FUFA CEO, Edgar Watson was delighted by the donation from Nivana and thanked CBL for its continuous support towards Ugandan sports, noting that the company was the first partner of beach soccer when the game was in its infancy stage. ‘Football needs partners to grow. We are very grateful to have Nivana on board and identifying with our Marketing Department and these talented players. Hard training needs refreshments and that is why we are glad to have Nivana Water join us’ h...
Hubby Clobbers Wife For Cheating, Strips Her Naked In Front Of Kids

Hubby Clobbers Wife For Cheating, Strips Her Naked In Front Of Kids

By Keefa Nuwahereza A husband who suspected his wife of cheating on him whenever he goes away to guy on Monday clobbered her  to pulp, before stripping her naked in front of their  children and neighbours Joshua Mulesa, a resident of Bulamu village in Muduuma Parish, Mpigi District, viciously beat his mother of three kids identified as Shamim Nabayiza, whom he faulted for dishing out her Goodies whenever he is upcountry on duty. Mulesa, who operates an excavator and often works very far away from home, told the area Chairman Godfrey Mubiru that he returned home on Monday night  only to find the house locked. Joshua Mulesa tearing his wife Shamim Nabayiza's clothes On asking neighbours if they knew where Nabayiza had gone they told him they didn’t know,  but ...