Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: June 28, 2022

Police arrested 44 boda boda riders in Kira .

Police arrested 44 boda boda riders in Kira .

At least 44 motorcycle riders were arrested on Tuesday in Kira Municipality, following an operation by police to clampdown on traffic violators. Traffic Police PRO Faridah Nampiima said that the operation was conducted by the officer in charge of traffic on Kira road to clamp down motorists who ride without any respect to traffic rules. “The OC traffic Kira Road conducted a boda boda operation today morning targeting pillion riding and riding without wearing crash helmets,” Nampiima said. According to the traffic police PRO, 44 riders were arrested. “Out of these, 38 were issued with (Express Penalty Ticket) EPS tickets, three were warned and three are pending at the station,” Nampiima added. Some of the riders that spoke to Nile Post complained that they were arrested for other reasons an...
Okurut  Micheal  slaps Minister Ecweru in church.

Okurut  Micheal  slaps Minister Ecweru in church.

FEATURED, GOSSIP, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
Police in Amuria district have arrested a 39 year old man for slapping the State Minister for Works Musa Ecweru who also doubles as the area MP. According to the East Kyoga Police spokesperson, Oscar Gregg Ageca, on Sunday, during the morning service at St.Michael Catholic Church in Wera parish, Wera sub-county in Amuria district when Michael Okurut, slapped the minister over unknown reasons. “Okurut Micheal came before the alter like other congregants, knelt down got his blessings. Afterwards he got up and surprisingly slapped the minister as he was giving his summon,” Ageca said in a statement. According to police, Okurut was however subdued by the ministers bodyguards who arrested him and later handed him over to the area police. “No harm was occasioned on the ministers person,” the s...
EC suspends women council elections due to lack of funds.

EC suspends women council elections due to lack of funds.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
The Electoral Commission suspended the women councils and committee elections over lack of funds. In February, the Electoral Commission issued a roadmap detailing the various activities to be conducted under the programme for elections of women councils and committees from the village to the national level. However, speaking at a consultative meeting at Gogonyo county in Pallisa district, Electoral Commission chairperson, Justice Simon Byabakama said that the ministry of Finance informed the commission that there are no funds for conducting the activities. According to the roadmap, the nominations of candidates were scheduled to start this week. Byabakama, says that the commission will issue a new programme for the activities when the funds are availed. At the time of the cancellation, ...