Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Parliament of Uganda

Public Should  Remain Cautious During Lockdown; Police

Public Should Remain Cautious During Lockdown; Police

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics
The leadership of the Joint Security Agencies, has noted with serious concern calls by selected politicians, encouraging the public to disregard the lockdown and re-open their businesses and activities. The lifting of the lockdown restrictions without a proper plan, means throwing away all protection, which is very dangerous and risky for the health and safety of Ugandans and visitors in the country. We are all aware the pandemic has not disappeared and therefore, need to remain cautious and not lose out on the individual and collective gains we have all made in keeping ourselves and everyone else safe. Let us therefore, wait for the address of H.E. The President and follow the range of options that the government is looking to provide. As the Joint Security Agencies, we continue to strict...
‘Lockdown Likely to Stay’’ Ministry Official

‘Lockdown Likely to Stay’’ Ministry Official

Health ministry officials have warned that it is likely that covid-19 restrictions will not be lifted after the 42-day lockdown. This comes as Ugandans are appealing to the government to consider lifting the lockdown arguing that they need to resume work and fend for their families. According the ministry permanent secretary Dr. Diana Atwiine much as the cases have reduced, it’s still early to speculate about whether to extend or lift the lockdown. She meanwhile says much as some of the locked sections might be lifted, there is need to further lock some for the safety of Ugandans. She meanwhile reveals that the country will receive two consignments of covid19 vaccines before the end of this week. Dr Diana says at least 300,000 doses of the Sinovac vaccine and 286,000 doses of AstraZeneca v...
Russian Company Awarded Vehicle Digital Trackers Contract Filed for Bankruptcy

Russian Company Awarded Vehicle Digital Trackers Contract Filed for Bankruptcy

Joint Stock Company Global Security, a Russian company that was awarded a 10-year contract on Friday to install digital monitoring system in all motorcycles and vehicles in Uganda is facing bankruptcy litigation in Moscow, court documents in Russia reveal. The company is also facing other debt related cases filed between 2019 and 2021 in Russia, raising questions of whether the contract in Uganda is a lifeline the company needs to beat off bankruptcy litigation for its very survival, and whether government of Uganda did adequate due diligence before engaging Global Security. The Permanent Secretaries for the Ministry of Works Bageya Waiswa and Ministry for Presidency Yunus Kakande signed the agreement on behalf of the Ugandan government. Security Minister Jim Muhwezi witnessed the signing....
Why Taxes on Bank Withdrawals is Good News

Why Taxes on Bank Withdrawals is Good News

This week, a proposal was brought to tax bank withdrawals as a means of generating revenue that will help our leaders get motivated to sacrifice for this country. You know it's bad for a farmer to keep milking a cow that she doesn't feed. It's not good for the citizens to keep milking their leaders asking for services yet the leaders are not given enough facilitation to make them happy so that they can deliver those services. Imagine we now have 519 MPs, for them to execute their duties well, they need comfortable vehicles which can manage the poteholed roads that Ugandans have failed to work on. These vehicles will cost 320 million each, meaning that we need 166bn for that purpose. On top of that each MP has been getting an average of 30 million per month, this money is very little...
Semujju Nganda’s Unquestionable Loyalty to FDC.

Semujju Nganda’s Unquestionable Loyalty to FDC.

Kiira Municipality MP Ibrahim Semujju Nganda has candidly pronounced himself on a number of things including the consequences the Kyagulanyi wave has had on his FDC party. He commends Kyagulanyi for the new momentum he has brought to the struggle but faults him for narrowing the same by resenting fellow opposition actors who aren’t members of his NUP. Semujju says if Besigye had used the same annihilation approach, for the all the years he had the strongest political wave in the opposition, he would equally have conscripted the likes of Betty Nambooze, Erias Lukwago and others into his FDC. Besigye equally worked with Mathias Mpuuga, Medard Segona, Muwanga Kivumbi, Lulume Bayiga and others without ever requiring them to become FDC even when he was in such a strong position to d...
Nathan Nandala Mafabi Pens Down His Journey to FDC.

Nathan Nandala Mafabi Pens Down His Journey to FDC.

In 2000, while working at the World Bank, I heard that Dr Kizza Besigye would contest for the national presidency in 2001, and I affirmed that he would be my candidate. Earlier on in 1996, while still working at the Ministry of Finance, I had met Dr. Besigye as we investigated tax fraud in an organisation called Danze. This organization was run by high-profile people in government and business moguls. Goods imported by this company would be registered as ‘goods on transit’ yet they were being sold here in Uganda. The government officials would falsify stamps from exit points like Koboko and Mutukula, claiming the goods had left the country.  When we did the investigation, the Government of Uganda had been defrauded of 152 billion shillings. During this investigation, we even me...
Ugandan army kills 189 Al Shabab fighters in Somalia

Ugandan army kills 189 Al Shabab fighters in Somalia

Military equipment and two commanders of the Al-Qaeda-linked group reportedly seized during raids in Lower Shabelle region Uganda's army said its troops killed 189 fighters of the Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabab militant group in an attack on their camps on Friday. Ugandan troops are part of the African Union peacekeeping mission deployed in Somalia to support the central government and stop Al Shabab's efforts to topple it. The Ugandan People's Defence Force said in a statement that its soldiers raided Al Shabab hideouts in the villages of Sigaale, Adimole and Kayitoy, just over 100 kilometres south-west of the capital Mogadishu, in the Lower Shabelle region. The raid "saw the forces put out of action 189 Al Qaeda-linked fighters and destroyed a number of military hardware and item...
Uganda’s LRA Rebel Leader Joseph Kony is reportedly dead owing to COVID-19.

Uganda’s LRA Rebel Leader Joseph Kony is reportedly dead owing to COVID-19.

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics
 Some sections of the Ugandan media is reporting that Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony who is wanted at the International Criminal Court at Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity has reportedly dies following infection by the deadly coronavirus disease. The Ugandan media however reported – quoting senior army commanders in the UPDF – that the army command is “yet to get any information regarding death of LRA leader, Joseph Kony, which is widely making rounds on social media.” The reports indicate that Kony succumbed to COVID19 in Central African Republic. Who is Joseph Rao Kony? Joseph Rao Kony born 1961 is a Ugandan insurgent and the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a guerrilla group that formerly operated in Uganda. While initially purporting to f...
Uganda’s Presidential candidate Bobi Wine and his campaign team arrested again.

Uganda’s Presidential candidate Bobi Wine and his campaign team arrested again.

The opposition presidential candidate was arrested while campaigning in Kalangala in the country’s central region. Uganda opposition presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine, and his campaign team have been arrested in Kalangala in the country’s central region, he said in a post on Twitter. The arrests on Wednesday spurred protests at a field in Kalangala Island in Lake Victoria where a helicopter was parked and which Wine’s supporters said they believed would be used to fly him back to the capital Kampala. Police fired tear gas at the crowd who were protesting. “They are firing even now to disperse people gathering on roads,” a witness, who did not want to give his name for security reasons, told Reuters news agency. Wine has emerged a...
“Stop pre-election violence, arrests’’ UN rights experts urge Uganda

“Stop pre-election violence, arrests’’ UN rights experts urge Uganda

UN human rights experts* today expressed serious concerns about the violence ahead of Uganda's presidential election, and urged authorities to put an end to the arrest, detention and judicial harassment of political opponents, civil society leaders and human rights defenders. Media outlets have reported that three journalists were hurt on Sunday after being hit by tear gas canisters in Masaka. Opposition leader Robert Kyagulanyi, also known as Bobi Wine, said one of his bodyguards died after being hit by a military truck later the same day. The military has denied this, saying he fell from a speeding car. "We are gravely concerned by the election-related violence, the excessive use of force by security personnel, as well as the increasing crackdown on peaceful protesters, po...