Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: President Yoweri Museveni

‘Lockdown Likely to Stay’’ Ministry Official

‘Lockdown Likely to Stay’’ Ministry Official

Health ministry officials have warned that it is likely that covid-19 restrictions will not be lifted after the 42-day lockdown. This comes as Ugandans are appealing to the government to consider lifting the lockdown arguing that they need to resume work and fend for their families. According the ministry permanent secretary Dr. Diana Atwiine much as the cases have reduced, it’s still early to speculate about whether to extend or lift the lockdown. She meanwhile says much as some of the locked sections might be lifted, there is need to further lock some for the safety of Ugandans. She meanwhile reveals that the country will receive two consignments of covid19 vaccines before the end of this week. Dr Diana says at least 300,000 doses of the Sinovac vaccine and 286,000 doses of AstraZeneca v...
Uganda to sign final oil deal with Total E&P and CNOOC on Sunday

Uganda to sign final oil deal with Total E&P and CNOOC on Sunday

Business, FEATURED, NEWS, Oil & Gas
Uganda will close the long-awaited Final Investment Decision (FID) with international oil companies Total E&P and CNOOC on Sunday.The decision will unlock billions of dollars of investment in Uganda’s oil and gas sector. Total chief executive Patrick Pouyanné, is expected in the country over the weekend, according to officials from Uganda’s energy ministry. The deal will also pave way for the construction of the 1440km crude export pipeline from Western Uganda to the Tanzanian Indian Ocean Port of Tanga, a key piece of infrastructure needed to get the east African country’s oil out of the ground and on to international markets. Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan is also traveling to Kampala to take part in the three-way talks that should culminate in the signin...
Bobi Wine Demands Repeat Of Presidential Elections

Bobi Wine Demands Repeat Of Presidential Elections

By Our Reporter National Unity Platform (NUP) former presidential aspirant Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine has demanded a repeat of the recently concluded presidential elections, after he rejected the results that put president Yoweri Museveni in the lead, saying it one not free and fair. Bobi Wine today filed a petition against President Museveni’s sixth term, claiming that he was not legally voted  into power by Ugandans as the Electoral Commission asserts and thus wants court to annul the election and announce a rerun of the same. “Bobi Wine wants court to issue an order compelling the Electoral Commission to repeat the presidential election,” Bobi Wine lead lawyer Medard Lubega Ssegona said. Ssegona added that; “Besides repeating the election because it was marred wit...
Ugandan army kills 189 Al Shabab fighters in Somalia

Ugandan army kills 189 Al Shabab fighters in Somalia

Military equipment and two commanders of the Al-Qaeda-linked group reportedly seized during raids in Lower Shabelle region Uganda's army said its troops killed 189 fighters of the Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabab militant group in an attack on their camps on Friday. Ugandan troops are part of the African Union peacekeeping mission deployed in Somalia to support the central government and stop Al Shabab's efforts to topple it. The Ugandan People's Defence Force said in a statement that its soldiers raided Al Shabab hideouts in the villages of Sigaale, Adimole and Kayitoy, just over 100 kilometres south-west of the capital Mogadishu, in the Lower Shabelle region. The raid "saw the forces put out of action 189 Al Qaeda-linked fighters and destroyed a number of military hardware and item...
African free trade area launched after delays owing to Global Coronavirus Pandemic.

African free trade area launched after delays owing to Global Coronavirus Pandemic.

African countries began officially trading under a new continent-wide free trade area on Friday, after months of delays caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. But experts view the New Year's Day launch as largely symbolic with full implementation of the deal expected to take years. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) aims to bring together 1.3 billion people in a $3.4 trillion economic bloc that will be the largest free trade area since the establishment of the World Trade Organization. Backers say it will boost trade among African neighbours while allowing the continent to develop its own value chains. The World Bank estimates it could lift tens of millions out of poverty by 2035. But obstacles - ranging from ubiquitous red tape and po...
Operation Wealth Creation Gets New Director; Sylvia Owori.

Operation Wealth Creation Gets New Director; Sylvia Owori.

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics
Sylvia Damali Overy has been appointed to take over as Director of Operations at Operation Wealth Creation (OWC). The renowned fashion designer, who is serving as the executive assistant to OWC national coordinator General Salim Saleh, announced on Friday that he had been appointed to the post. “I am pleased to announce that on 28 December 2020 I was promoted to the position of Director of Operations in Operation Wealth Creation – Uganda.I CIC HE Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and our Chief Coordinator Gen. I commend Caleb Akandwanaho, who recognizes and recognizes my abilities, talents and skills for operations, leadership and coordination at OWC, which are critical to transforming Uganda’s socio-economic transformation,” Owori said in a statement.  “They have nurt...
“Security Forces killed Boxer Zebra Ssenyange” President Museveni.

“Security Forces killed Boxer Zebra Ssenyange” President Museveni.

The Ugandan undefeated light heavyweight Isaac Zebra Ssenyange was murdered in a home invasion in the nation's capital of Kampala. According to HE: Kaguta Museveni while addressing the nation on New Year’s Eve, Ssenyange was accidently gunned down by security forces. “I specifically decided to take on his case and I have so far found out that he was killed by security personnel” President Museveni. “I’m so sorry, so sorry and I will bring my entire findings to the knowledge of the family. I’m so sorry” he added. Ssyenange never had a good opportunity at a pro career, going 10-0-2 over seven years with no major fights. But he was a former captain of the national amateur teams and was universally respected. His amateur record was a reported 195-19 and he worked for the Ugandan boxing ...
ICC Finally Receives Dr. Besigye’s Petition Against  President Museveni

ICC Finally Receives Dr. Besigye’s Petition Against  President Museveni

By Our Reporter The International Criminal Court (ICC) has finally received a petition that was filed against President Yoweri Museveni and his government by Forum for Demoractic Change (FDC) former presidential contender Rtd. Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye.  Dr. Besigye and several others started collecting one millions signatures to back up their petition which they later filed, with intent to cause the ICC to investigate the allegations lodged against President Museveni and several government officials in their petition. Dr. Besigye's tweet about ICC accepting his petition “I’m grateful to our legal teams; volunteers who, in spite of great intimidation, collected signatures from all parts of Uganda; and courageous Ugandans who signed to petition ICC to have Mr M7 & others inves...
Electoral Commission Refuses To Invite EU Observers For 2021 Presidential Election

Electoral Commission Refuses To Invite EU Observers For 2021 Presidential Election

By Keefa Nuwahereza The Electoral Commission (EC), led by Justice Simon Byabakama, has without giving reason, refused invite Election Observers from the European Union ahead of the 2021 presidential election. This was revealed Tuesday by the EU Ambassador to Uganda H.E Attilio Pacifici, who revealed that the Election  Observers from EU will not participate in the 2021 elections because up to now they  have not been invited by the E.C,  which hasn’t been the case in previous years. Ambassador Pacifici said they need to have a specific invitation  so as to participate in the electoral process. “Unlike in the past national polls where the Government formally wrote to the EU inviting them to participate as stakeholders in the electoral process, this time around...
ADF Kills more than a Dozen in DR Congo.

ADF Kills more than a Dozen in DR Congo.

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics
More than a dozen people have been killed in two attacks near Beni in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo that were blamed on the Islamist ADF group, local sources said Sunday. Late Saturday, an initial assault killed seven people, territorial administrator Donat Kibwana told an AFP correspondent, adding that "the attack took place at 11:00 pm and it was the ADF", which originated in the 1990s as an Ugandan Muslim rebel group. Kibwana said the toll was still provisional and that the attack occurred at a town called Kisima. A second assault took place early Sunday near Oicha, which is in the same region as Beni, where the local authority and other sources said six people had died. The ADF is one of more than 100 militias that plague the eastern provinces of the vast DR Congo. ...