Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Month: November 2021

0le out Carrick In at Man Utd

Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, SPORTS
Manchester United have finally sacked manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer following Saturday's 4-1 defeat at Watford. The club have won just one of their past seven Premier League matches and are seventh in the table, 12 points behind leaders Chelsea First-team coach Michael Carrick has been placed in temporary charge while United seek an interim manager to the end of the season "It is with regret that we have reached this difficult decision," United said. United added: "While the past few weeks have been disappointing, they should not obscure all the work he has done over the past three years to rebuild the foundations for long-term success. "Ole leaves with our sincerest thanks for his tireless efforts as manager and our very best wishes for the future." Solskjaer is a former Red Devils player,...
Starving Wives Of Missing Kanatta, Still Demand His Production Dead or Live

Starving Wives Of Missing Kanatta, Still Demand His Production Dead or Live

Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS
The family of Muhammad Kanata, a resident of Walusubi village, Nama sub county in Mukono district have narrated the hurdles of their life without their loved one who went missing on December 23, weeks after the November 18, riots in Kampala and other major towns across the country. According to the family, Kanata was arrested for trying to ensure that there is change in the recently concluded January elections. “My son was kidnapped because he was in opposition and soliciting support for Hon. Abdallah Kiwanuka's wing, I fault former minister Ronald Kibuule for spear heading the kidnap of Muhammad Kanatta", Said 75 year old Safiina Nabbanja. On the fateful night, Agnes Nabwire narrated that on that night armed men dressed in army clothes came knocking at her door looking for her husband. Wh...
High Power Tariffs And Poor Road Infrastructure Hinders Progress At MMP Industrial Park In Buikwe.

High Power Tariffs And Poor Road Infrastructure Hinders Progress At MMP Industrial Park In Buikwe.

Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
Investors at Mogan Mangalay Patel (MMP) industrial Park at Buwampa Village in Buikwe district have decried the high power tariffs imposed on them and the poor road infrastructure in the area that has slowed down the construction of factories. The investors were meeting Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja who was in the area to investigate the progress of the construction of the park. Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja first toured various factories in the area to ascertain the progress of the industrial park Amidst the prime minister’s tour, Bamu Moses the Nyenga sub county chairperson pointed out the challenges the youth undergo when employed in the factories including delayed meager wages and the poor working conditions Bamu noted this has greatly discouraged the youth from seeking jobs in the ...


Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Rwanda
There is a general presumption and saying that capital has no home but within realistic parameters the home of capital is its place of origin because it always goes back with its profits or returns on investments. Capital holds much more value in countries like Uganda where fixed deposits have monthly interest returns of up to 15% and 25 - 30% if invested in loans through commercial Banks as compared to developed countries where interest on loans is as low as 5%, 1% or even 0.5%. In some countries deposits actually accumulate a charge instead of earning interest. Once foreign capital is brought in Uganda, it’s a requirement as provided under section 117 of the Financial Institution Act that a Financial Institution should acquire authorization from Bank of Uganda for regularization of suc...
Key 5G Cyber Security Strategies

Key 5G Cyber Security Strategies

Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS
Cyber security is a growing concern in all parts of the world, with the roll out of 5G networks in many countries, building effective 5G cyber security strategies will be key for protecting networks and end-user data. Key 5G cyber security challenges include multiple domains, multi-services, and multi-access which present threats such as security complexity to deal with multiple levels across domains, more dynamic and multifaced attacks, plus the perimeter security model becoming insufficient respectively. In 2020, Huawei passed the 5G Core (5GC) Network equipment Security Assurance Scheme (NESAS) and Security Assurance Specifications (SCAS) assessment becoming the first company to complete GSMA's NESAS evaluation. NESAS includes security assessments of vendor development, product lifecycl...
Sheikh Kirevu was part of the ADF recruitment Team says Uganda Police

Sheikh Kirevu was part of the ADF recruitment Team says Uganda Police

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics, Rwanda
Police on thursday said Sheikh Muhammad Abbas Kirevu was gunned down in Nsangi, Wakiso District following a violent confrontation with security operatives who had been deployed to effect his arrest. Fred Enanga said Sheikh Kirevu was responsible for coordination and recruitment of some Ugandans into the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebel group that has been blamed for Tuesday’s twin bombings that hit Kampala, leaving seven people, including three suspected suicide bombers dead. “Sheikh Muhammad Kirevu was put out of action during a scuffle with our security team as he tried to resist arrest,” CP Enanga Said. Security operatives are now hunting for one Sheikh Sulaiman Nsubuga, a resident of Kajjansi, Entebbe Road and others for also being part of ADF’s recruitment and coordination cell in...
who is behind Uganda’s capital Kampala’s twin suicide bombs

who is behind Uganda’s capital Kampala’s twin suicide bombs

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics, Rwanda
Police in Kampala say at least three people killed and 33 others injured in twin suicide bombings in the capital city. At least three people have been killed and 33 others injured in twin suicide bombings in Uganda’s capital Kampala, police said, the latest in a string of attacks over the past month. “So far 33 are injured and five are critically injured,” police spokesman Fred Enanga told a press conference on Tuesday, adding that the attacks were carried out by three suicide bombers. The explosions – one very close to parliament and one near the central police station – sent bloodied office workers scrambling for cover over shards of broken glass as a plume of white smoke rose above the downtown area. A single suicide bomber carried out the first blast near the checkpoint at the police s...
Exclusiveness:judge Detains Kirabo’s Sureties For 6 Hours Until They Raised 150 Millions

Exclusiveness:judge Detains Kirabo’s Sureties For 6 Hours Until They Raised 150 Millions

FEATURED, Latest News, Rwanda
Justice Henry Kaweesa Isabirye, a judge at the High Court In Mukono has directed the sureties of Matthew Kirabo to pay 50 million each for failure to produce the fugitive to court and also directed security not allow them to leave court. The sureties Imelda Wabulembo Kirabo's mother, Benard Mbayo and Elizabeth Baleke had appeared in court today after court had last week tasked them to produce the accused (Kirabo) in court a thing they still did not do. The State Attorney Happiness Ainebyona prayed to court that the sureties should execute their bond of 50 Million shillings each as it was one of the bail requirements. “My Lord on the previous date the court made an order that sureties produce the accused person in court which they have still failed to do. Therefore we apply under section 1...
CRIME & INVESTIGATIONSLab technician who forged Covid-19 results for Matthew Kirabo arrested

CRIME & INVESTIGATIONSLab technician who forged Covid-19 results for Matthew Kirabo arrested

FEATURED, GOSSIP, Latest News, Politics, Rwanda
Police in Jinja has arrested Razak Wasswa, the laboratory technician for forging Covid-19 test results of Mathew Kirabo, the prime suspect in the 2015 murder of Makerere University medical student Desire Mirembe. Having missed two court sessions, Kirabo’s said he had contacted Covid-19 and therefore it was unwise for him to appear in public. According to the lawyers, Kirabo had tested positive at Jinja Hospital and that he was therefore bedridden at the same hospital. Matthew Kirabo is accused of masterminding the murder of Desire Mirembe However, Charles Twiine- CID PRO, said police investigated the claim and discovered the test was fake. “The test was fake, because even in the samples that were tested at Jinja hospital, there were no samples for Mathew Kirabo,” Twiine said. Twiine explai...
Business paralyzed in Lira as police tear gassed Bobi supporters

Business paralyzed in Lira as police tear gassed Bobi supporters

FEATURED, GOSSIP, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
Tear gas welcomes Bobi Wine to Lira Town as police battled with his mammoth supporters who were welcoming hi The National Unity Platform (NUP) principle, Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu toured Lira town in accompany of his party deputy Dr Zedriga. Kyagulanyi was surprised after operations at the Radio station were halted shortly after the Radio station managing director notifying him that he had been requested not to interview him. The chanting roadside gatherings were also dispersed as Police fired tear gas canisters to chase them away, telling that they would spread the deadly infectious Covid-19 disease if they keep gathering in large groups. The manager stated that the move followed after learning that the NUP boss had no valid security clearance to be hosted. “I returned from Kampala last...