Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Day: November 21, 2021

Starving Wives Of Missing Kanatta, Still Demand His Production Dead or Live

Starving Wives Of Missing Kanatta, Still Demand His Production Dead or Live

Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS
The family of Muhammad Kanata, a resident of Walusubi village, Nama sub county in Mukono district have narrated the hurdles of their life without their loved one who went missing on December 23, weeks after the November 18, riots in Kampala and other major towns across the country. According to the family, Kanata was arrested for trying to ensure that there is change in the recently concluded January elections. “My son was kidnapped because he was in opposition and soliciting support for Hon. Abdallah Kiwanuka's wing, I fault former minister Ronald Kibuule for spear heading the kidnap of Muhammad Kanatta", Said 75 year old Safiina Nabbanja. On the fateful night, Agnes Nabwire narrated that on that night armed men dressed in army clothes came knocking at her door looking for her husband. Wh...
High Power Tariffs And Poor Road Infrastructure Hinders Progress At MMP Industrial Park In Buikwe.

High Power Tariffs And Poor Road Infrastructure Hinders Progress At MMP Industrial Park In Buikwe.

Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
Investors at Mogan Mangalay Patel (MMP) industrial Park at Buwampa Village in Buikwe district have decried the high power tariffs imposed on them and the poor road infrastructure in the area that has slowed down the construction of factories. The investors were meeting Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja who was in the area to investigate the progress of the construction of the park. Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja first toured various factories in the area to ascertain the progress of the industrial park Amidst the prime minister’s tour, Bamu Moses the Nyenga sub county chairperson pointed out the challenges the youth undergo when employed in the factories including delayed meager wages and the poor working conditions Bamu noted this has greatly discouraged the youth from seeking jobs in the ...


Business, FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Rwanda
There is a general presumption and saying that capital has no home but within realistic parameters the home of capital is its place of origin because it always goes back with its profits or returns on investments. Capital holds much more value in countries like Uganda where fixed deposits have monthly interest returns of up to 15% and 25 - 30% if invested in loans through commercial Banks as compared to developed countries where interest on loans is as low as 5%, 1% or even 0.5%. In some countries deposits actually accumulate a charge instead of earning interest. Once foreign capital is brought in Uganda, it’s a requirement as provided under section 117 of the Financial Institution Act that a Financial Institution should acquire authorization from Bank of Uganda for regularization of suc...