Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Starving Wives Of Missing Kanatta, Still Demand His Production Dead or Live

The family of Muhammad Kanata, a resident of Walusubi village, Nama sub county in Mukono district have narrated the hurdles of their life without their loved one who went missing on December 23, weeks after the November 18, riots in Kampala and other major towns across the country.
According to the family, Kanata was arrested for trying to ensure that there is change in the recently concluded January elections.
“My son was kidnapped because he was in opposition and soliciting support for Hon. Abdallah Kiwanuka’s wing, I fault former minister Ronald Kibuule for spear heading the kidnap of Muhammad Kanatta”, Said 75 year old Safiina Nabbanja.
On the fateful night, Agnes Nabwire narrated that on that night armed men dressed in army clothes came knocking at her door looking for her husband. When she tried finding out who they were, they kicked down her door and started looking for him in the entire house.
“It was in the middle of the night when people knocked on my door . I tendered to ask who they were. They told me that it’s me, the chairman of the village. I replied to them that the voice wasn’t for the chairman then they forcefully knocked down my door,” Said Nabwiire.
Madina Najjemba, another wife to Kanaata who we found weaving a mat at her home said that she sells them to make some money which she uses to take care of her family..
Najjemba also said that she is worried for the children especially the sickly ones as she can afford to pay their medical bills like her husband used to and as well as worried that her children may not report back to school come next year.
“I’m starving with my sickly child and have no money to take care of my four children. We are many wives with children. The person who was supporting us is missing, I sell charcoal and mats to survive” Narrated Najemba.
Catherine Kagoya, the fourth wife to Kanatta, with tears rolling from her eyes, notes that the husband was abducted before completing the construction of her house. Currently she is on the verge of being chased out of the house her husband had rented for her as she can not afford to pay her rent.
Ronald Kawere, the LCI-chairperson of Walusubi village, said that Kanaata’s disappearance was such a big blow not only to the family but also to the entire the village as well since he was the kind of person who was passionate about helping others by providing them with employment opportunities.
“As a community we sometimes mobilise food for the family of missing Kanata because all his businesses collapsed.” Chairperson Walusubi village narrates.
The Mukono North legislator, Counsel Abdallah Kiwanuka stated that for several times he has tried to seek justice for Kanatta, but he has been hindered by top security organs as they tried to silence him.
Arrests, abduction and torture acts did not only happen to Kanaata in Mukono after the 18th November protests, over 30 families experienced similar incidents.
Although police have on various occasions said that their arrest was related to the November riots, they do not know the missing people’s whereabouts.

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