Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Featured

Gen. Tumukunde Finally Granted Cash Bail Of Shs50m

Gen. Tumukunde Finally Granted Cash Bail Of Shs50m

Education, Latest News
By Elite Reporter Former security minister Lt. Gen. Henry Tumukunde was granted cash bail of Shs50m by Buganda Road  on Monday morning. Gen. Tumukunde, who has been in  jail for 60 days after he was arrested on  March 12, 2020,  presented his wife, brother and business associate Mathew Rukikaire as sureties before  court granted him bail.   A 2021 presidential aspirant, Tumukunde is facing charges of treason and illegal possession of fire arms, following a raid at his home by security officers in March, during which they recovered several incriminating items, among them firearms. He attempted to secure bail in April after presenting four sureties who included ; his wife Stella Tumukunde, Salaamu Musumba, the Vice chairperson for Eastern Uganda in ...
Health: Best Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

Health: Best Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

By Elite  Reporter Dropping that cigarette you're so much used to smoking is not easy. Actually, although most people think it's only men who smoke, a lot of women in Uganda are increasingly becoming smokers. But if you have been smoking for a long time and now you want to drop it, here are tips from our health experts that will help you; Find Your Reason To get motivated You need a powerful, personal reason to quit. It may be to protect your family from secondhand smoke.  Or lower your chance of getting lung cancer, heart disease, or other conditions. Or to look and feel younger. Choose a reason that is strong enough to outweigh the urge to light up. Prepare Before You Go 'Cold Turkey' There’s more to it than just tossing your cigarettes out. Smoking is an addict...
Tragic: Dozens Perish As Heavy Rains Cause Landslides In Rwanda

Tragic: Dozens Perish As Heavy Rains Cause Landslides In Rwanda

By Elite Reporter Over 65 people have died in Rwanda after heavy rains caused landslides on Thursday night that damaged houses and washed away bridges, according to officials. The country has, in recent weeks, been hit by torrential downpours that have led to floods and landslides that crushed homes built on mountain slopes, with similar scenes playing out across East Africa. In a statement on Thursday, Rwanda's Ministry of Emergency Management said major rains the night before were the worst in months and caused "a number of disasters" in seven districts: Gakenke, Nyabihu, Muhanga, Musanze, Ngororero, Rulindo and Rubavu. "Up until midnight, 65 death cases had been registered due to floods. The rains also led to damage of infrastructure like roads, 91 houses, 5 bridges and sev...
Health Facts: Crucial Things You Have To Know About Diabetes

Health Facts: Crucial Things You Have To Know About Diabetes

By Elite Reporter Diabetes has become a common health problem and is affecting youngsters and older people alike. Once it is diagnosed, you should opt for precautions to avoid further health damages. Nutritionists have revealed that various natural sources such as fruits, spices, and herbs have potential to treat diabetes. It is worth mentioning that the treatment from natural options can help maintain sugar levels in your bloodstream, they cannot eliminate diabetes. Moreover, consulting with your endocrinologist in this context and incorporating home remedies into your daily routine can also improve the condition of diabetics. What is diabetes? It is a chronic disease that occurs when your blood glucose or blood sugar exceeds uncontrollably. Blood sugar is the primary source...

Fear As Coronavirus Cases In Africa Surpass 50,000, South Africa Tops List With 8,000 Cases

By Elite Reporter Untold fear is mounting among several African countries after the number of Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections rising to over 50,000 across the continent, as the World Health Organisation (WHO) expresses worry of community spread in West Africa. As of now Africa has now reported more than 50,000 cases of Coronavirus across the continent, according to the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. The continent has reported 51,698 cases and 2,012 deaths so far, while 17,590 have recovered from the illness. According to sources, South Africa has the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Africa, with 7,808 people infected. Egypt follows with 7,588, while Morocco has reported 5,408 cases and Algeria has 4,997, according to Johns Hopkins Universit...
Natural Remedies: Apples, Tea Can Protect You Against Cancer

Natural Remedies: Apples, Tea Can Protect You Against Cancer

By Elite Reporter Consuming flavonoid-rich items such as apples and tea protects against cancer and heart disease, particularly for smokers and heavy drinkers, according to a new study. Researchers from ECU's School of Medical and Health Sciences analysed data from the Diet, Cancer and Health cohort that assessed the diets of 53,048  people over 23 years. They found that people who habitually consumed moderate to high amounts of foods rich in flavonoids, compounds found in plant-based foods and drinks, were less likely to die from cancer or heart disease. No quick fix for poor habits The researchers noted that while the study found a lower risk of death in those who ate flavonoid-rich foods, the protective effect appeared to be strongest for those at high risk of c...
Wake Up: How To Know You’re Settling for Less In Your  Love Life

Wake Up: How To Know You’re Settling for Less In Your Love Life

By Elite Reporter Being in a relationship can have its fair share of ups and downs, as not every single moment with your partner is going to be amazing. But how do you know if you're settling for less in your relationship? Since all relationships can have their challenges, it's important to be able to recognize the five key signs that you're settling for less than you deserve. You're With This Person for the Wrong Reasons When you find yourself settling for less, you're likely with your partner for the wrong reasons. For instance, if you're in a relationship with this person because you're afraid of being alone, you're feeling peer pressure from those around you, or because you feel obligated to stay because you've been together for a prolonged period of time, you're clearly ...
Gov’t Introduces Terego District To Weaken People Power’s Wadri In Arua

Gov’t Introduces Terego District To Weaken People Power’s Wadri In Arua

By Elite Reporter The government of Uganda has finalized plans to create a new district known as Terego District, which will be curved out of the original Arua district. The development was announced on Monday by the Parliament of Uganda, which tweeted thus; “The House has adopted a motion for creation of the new district of Terego District from Arua. The motion was moved by Hon Raphael Magezi, the Minister for Local Government. 236 MPs voted for, 2 against and 5 abstained. #PlenaryUg.” Minister Rapahel Magyezi tabled the proposal for the new Terego District before Parliament However, the move has since been interpreted  by many opposition politicians as a ploy by government to weaken the People Power stronghold in Arua Municipality, which is currently headed by Hon. Kass...
Rich List: Tycoons, Celebs & Gov’t Officials Who Own Swanky Homes Unveiled

Rich List: Tycoons, Celebs & Gov’t Officials Who Own Swanky Homes Unveiled

By Keefa Nuwahereza David Bahati, the Minister  for Economic Planning,  ordered for the arrest of a journalist identified as Ronald Bagyenda after he posted the ‘State House’ like crib which the Minister allegedly built in Kabale district. The swanky multibillion crib which led to Bagyenda’s arrest is located in Ndorwa  East constituency, which the Minister also represents as Member of Parliament. Minister David Bahati's crib However, apart from Minister Bahati, there are several other celebrities, tycoons and government officials  who own swanky cribs that are worth hundreds of millions of shillings who we have unveiled in this first part of the Elite Rich List. They include but are not limited to the  following; Sudhir Ruparelia Officially, Dr...
Fear As Coronavirus Invades UPDF Camps, 9 Soldiers Quarantined In Somalia

Fear As Coronavirus Invades UPDF Camps, 9 Soldiers Quarantined In Somalia

By Elite Reporter There is concern among the armed forces that the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) could ravage the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF), after 9 soldiers were quarantined in Somalia on Thursday. Sources reveal that the 9 soldiers who are part of the UPDF contingent in Somalia serving under AMSOM (African Mission for Somalia),   were put into isolation after coming into contact with a confirmed case who is in Mogadishu. On Wednesday evening, UPDF confirmed a soldier attached to the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) had tested positive COVID-19 and was undergoing treatment. The UPDF said that the confirmed case, a soldier who first manifested flu and cough signs, is now very stable and those with whom he got contact, are isolated. However, ...