Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Ministry of Defence

Russian Company Awarded Vehicle Digital Trackers Contract Filed for Bankruptcy

Russian Company Awarded Vehicle Digital Trackers Contract Filed for Bankruptcy

Joint Stock Company Global Security, a Russian company that was awarded a 10-year contract on Friday to install digital monitoring system in all motorcycles and vehicles in Uganda is facing bankruptcy litigation in Moscow, court documents in Russia reveal. The company is also facing other debt related cases filed between 2019 and 2021 in Russia, raising questions of whether the contract in Uganda is a lifeline the company needs to beat off bankruptcy litigation for its very survival, and whether government of Uganda did adequate due diligence before engaging Global Security. The Permanent Secretaries for the Ministry of Works Bageya Waiswa and Ministry for Presidency Yunus Kakande signed the agreement on behalf of the Ugandan government. Security Minister Jim Muhwezi witnessed the signing....
Uganda’s LRA Rebel Leader Joseph Kony is reportedly dead owing to COVID-19.

Uganda’s LRA Rebel Leader Joseph Kony is reportedly dead owing to COVID-19.

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics
 Some sections of the Ugandan media is reporting that Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony who is wanted at the International Criminal Court at Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity has reportedly dies following infection by the deadly coronavirus disease. The Ugandan media however reported – quoting senior army commanders in the UPDF – that the army command is “yet to get any information regarding death of LRA leader, Joseph Kony, which is widely making rounds on social media.” The reports indicate that Kony succumbed to COVID19 in Central African Republic. Who is Joseph Rao Kony? Joseph Rao Kony born 1961 is a Ugandan insurgent and the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a guerrilla group that formerly operated in Uganda. While initially purporting to f...
Ugandan rebels kill 20 villagers in eastern DR Congo

Ugandan rebels kill 20 villagers in eastern DR Congo

Allied Democratic Forces insurgents targeted 3 villages in Beni territory on Tuesday KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo At least 20 villagers were killed in an attack attributed to a Ugandan rebel group in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the military and a local NGO said on Wednesday. The Centre for the Promotion of Peace, Democracy and Human Rights (CEPADHO) said the attackers targeted three villages in Beni territory on Tuesday. "Until Tuesday evening, nine bodies were found in Mapasana and Sayuni Villages and 11 other bodies were found in Mayikiti," CEPADHO said in a statement, blaming the Ugandan rebel group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) for the attack. For the last 20 years, eastern DRC has seen a number of conflicts broke out over ethn...
Three face 30 years in prison for stone-throwing at president’s convoy.

Three face 30 years in prison for stone-throwing at president’s convoy.

FEATURED, Latest News, NEWS, Politics
Three people have been sentenced to 30 years in prison in Burundi after being accused of throwing stones at the president’s convoy Three people have been sentenced to 30 years in prison in Burundi after being accused of throwing stones at the president’s convoy. The sentence has caused an outcry, but the governor says he thinks there will be “changes in this affair” in the coming days. The two young men and a woman were working at a gas station in Kayanza province on Wednesday when the convoy passed. They were arrested later that day, sources told our reporter. At their trial on Sunday, the three had no lawyers and pleaded not guilty. At first, they were accused of undermining public security and the prosecutor asked for a prison term of seven and a half years. But the court c...
Iranian hostages held by Somali pirates since 2015 freed.

Iranian hostages held by Somali pirates since 2015 freed.

The men are the last of the crew of Iranian fishing vessel FV Siraj, captured by the pirates on March 22, 2015. Three Iranian hostages held by Somali pirates since 2015 have been freed, a senior maritime crime adviser told the Reuters news agency on Thursday. The men are the last of the crew of the Iranian fishing vessel FV Siraj, which was captured by pirates on March 22, 2015. The fourth member of the crew was freed last year as he needed urgent medical care. "This marks the end of an era of Somali piracy and the pain and suffering of Somalia's forgotten hostages," said John Steed, coordinator of privately supported, Nairobi-based Hostage Support Programme, on Thursday. Steed, a former British army officer who has spent years negotiating the release of piracy hostages in ...