Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Donald Trump

Dead End: US Election Officials Trash Trump Claims Of Fraud Over Lack Of Evidence

Dead End: US Election Officials Trash Trump Claims Of Fraud Over Lack Of Evidence

Outgoing U.S president Donald Trump is literally throw kicks of a dying horse after election officials rejected his claims of fraud in the recently concluded presidential elections, over lack of evidence. It  should be noted that Trump and his Republican party allege that voting fraud and lost ballots led to his loss to Joe Biden in last week’s election. But election officials have since trashed the allegations, insisting that  'the November 3 election was the most secure in American history'. There is no evidence of compromised ballots or corrupt voting systems in the United States presidential elections, officials said, as a top Democrat accused the Republicans who refuse to accept President-elect Joe Biden’s win of “poisoning” democracy. In a statement on Thur...
Trump Humiliated After U.S TV Stations Switch Off His Address  As Biden Tightens Noose Around Him

Trump Humiliated After U.S TV Stations Switch Off His Address As Biden Tightens Noose Around Him

By Our Reporter At least seven television networks including ABC, CBS and NBC, cut away from Trump's White House address Trump claimed the election was being 'stolen from him' in an extraordinary address to the country on Thursday, after realising that his rival Joe Biden was claiming the lion’s share of the votes.   He launched 17-minute tirade spelling out his conspiracy theory that 'big tech, big money and big media' were rigging the race to get a Democrat in the White House. However, TV networks NBC, CBS and ABC switched him off as he ranted, reading from a script which he had written on in sharpie He presented no evidence of fraud and hinted darkly at the blizzard of litigation his campaign has launched despite courts in Georgia and Michigan turning him down. F...
Biden  Deploys Legal Team To Take On Trump If He Refuses To Handover Power

Biden Deploys Legal Team To Take On Trump If He Refuses To Handover Power

By Our Reporter U.S presidential contender Joe Biden has revealed that he is ready to deploy a very experienced legal team to battle with incumbent President Donald Trump,  should he refuse to hand over power if he loses the much-contested election. Biden’s resolution came a few hours after Trump prematurely declared himself the winner  and said that the vote counting should stop, sparking off outrage from various Americans. By the time of filing this story Biden had garnered 238 of the 270 votes needed to win the election, while Trump was trailing with 213. However, it should be noted that Americans are also electing members to the two chambers of Congress, the main law-making body of the US. Those chambers are t...
Trump Brokers Historic Peace Deal Between  Sudan And Israel

Trump Brokers Historic Peace Deal Between Sudan And Israel

By Our Reporter President Donald Trump's Administration has finally succeeded in the bid to normalise relations between the United States of America, the Republic of Sudan and the State of Israel. T his was revealed Friday October 23, 2020, in a joint statement issued by the White House and the leaders of Sudan and Israel over the matter. The statement reads in part thus; "The leaders of Sudan and Israel have agreed to normalize relations, end the state of belligerence between their nations, and begin negotiating agreements of cooperation on the economy, trade, and more. This historic agreement is a testament to the bold and visionary approach of the four leaders! As such, President Trump, the Sudanese Chairman of the Sovereignty Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Sudanese...
Election Of ICC War Crimes Prosecutor Hits Snag Amid U.S. Sanctions

Election Of ICC War Crimes Prosecutor Hits Snag Amid U.S. Sanctions

By Our Reporter The process of electing a War Crimes prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) has hit a snag after Washington’s decision to impose financial sanctions on the chief prosecutor  of the ICC overshadowing the search for her successor, with countries deadlocked over a post that has new visibility as the target of American anger. The court’s 123 member countries are due to meet in New York on December 7, 2020, when they are meant to pick a successor for Fatou Bensouda, the court’s Gambian chief prosecutor whose term expires in June. A shortlist of four candidates has been drawn up for the nine-year term, narrowed down from a list of 14 by a panel of diplomats and experts. But in a letter, the court’s oversight body wrote to inform members that none ...
Trump to Withdraw US troops from Somalia.

Trump to Withdraw US troops from Somalia.

Pentagon has begun drafting plans for US president, says Bloomberg, citing people familiar with matter President Donald Trump has informed his top advisers that he wants to withdraw US troops from Somalia, Bloomberg News reported Tuesday. Citing people familiar with the matter, the report said the Pentagon has begun drafting plans for Trump. The talks have involved National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, according to the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private deliberations. The US has 650-800 troops in Somalia to help the African country fight the al-Shabaab terrorist group. The move will allow Trump "to make good on campaign pledges to bring soldiers home even though the c...
North Korea Taunts USA By Staging Military Parade

North Korea Taunts USA By Staging Military Parade

By Our Reporter President Kim Jong Un of North Korea is intent on sending out a message to the United States of America and all its allies that his country has arsenal and military might that accord it the status of being a world super power. According to South Korea, North Korea “appeared to have staged” a large-scale military parade, amid expectations that it would showcase new strategic weapons to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea. “Signs have been detected that North Korea conducted a military parade at the Kim Il-sung square at dawn by mobilising a large number of equipment and personnel,” Yonhap news agency reported, citing a brief statement form the south’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. North Korea Military Parade “South Korea...
Uproar In America As COVID-19 Infected Trump ‘Escapes’ From Quarantine

Uproar In America As COVID-19 Infected Trump ‘Escapes’ From Quarantine

By Our Reporter There is uproar in America after US President Donald Trump told Americans “to get out there” and not fear COVID-19 after he returned to the White House on Monday, following three nights in a military hospital where he received experimental treatments to tackle a disease that has killed more than 210,000 Americans. Trump, who still has the virus and remains contagious, took off his mask to pose for pictures and salute from the balcony of the White House. He later tweeted a video capturing his return to Washington, DC, and a message to his supporters. Trump said he felt “real good” about his return to the White House, where a cluster of cases have emerged since he, his wife Melania and close adviser Hope Hicks were diagnosed last week. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEna...
Breaking: President Trump, Wife Test Positive For COVID-19

Breaking: President Trump, Wife Test Positive For COVID-19

By Keefa Nuwahereza Tension is mounting at the White House in Wahsington D.C after  President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19). President Trump made the shocking  revelation about their infection on social media when he tweeted Friday morning that he and Melania would go into quarantine after they tested positive for COVID-19. Trump tweeted thus; “@FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!” News about Trump and Melania getting infected came a few hours after a top White House aide identified as Hope Hicks had tested positive for the deadly virus and been taken into quarantine. The 31-year-old adviser to the president...
Trump, Biden Spit Venom At Each Other In ‘Ugly’ First US Election Debate

Trump, Biden Spit Venom At Each Other In ‘Ugly’ First US Election Debate

By Our Reporter President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden traded personal insults in the first 2020 presidential campaign debate held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland,  on Tuesday. President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden engaged in a heated and at times ugly exchange of words in the first presidential debate of the US election. At some point, Trump accused Biden of being a leftist and promoting socialism. In reply, Biden openly called Trump a racist and told him to “shut up” as Trump repeatedly tried to goad Biden with interruptions. The debate did little to illuminate the policy choices facing Americans in the election and probably did not shift the dynamic of a rac...