Friday, July 26News That Matters

Hundreds Of Learners Enroll For MK e-Learning Platform

By Keefa Nuwahereza

As the ministry of Education and Sports prepares to open up school for learners at all levels, from primary to secondary and university, those hundreds of students who enrolled on the MK e-learning Platform are already studying.

The MK e-learning Platform is an online study portal that enables learners from study from either at home, their dormitories, classes or other place they find comfortable.

How to join the MK e-learning Portal

We have established that the management of MK Publishers Limited, who are operating the MK e-learning Platform, have already registered hundreds of learners from Uganda and  across East Africa ranging from primary one to seven.

The MK e-learning Platform which runs in phases, started by catering for only primary seven students but currently accommodates lower primary sections, that is to say from primary six to  primary one.

After the successful implementation of the first two phases of online studying for primary level the MK e-learning Platform will progress to another phase of accommodating secondary school students, starting with O-Level and later A-level, although this phase kicks off in January 2020.           

We have since established that the management of MK Publishers Limited have offered discounts parents and guardians who register their children before this year ends.

How To Register

Currently registration is going on  for the next phase of learners and all you have to do to register your child is;

1-Go to

2-Click the Sign Up Icon to Register

3-Provide Details and verify them through your email.

4-Log into the Platform

5-Select your Study Package and enjoy the Learning Experience.

What You Need

All you need to be able to study online through the MK e-Learning Platform are;

i)MK Text Books

ii) A Laptop, Computer, Tablet or Smartphone

iv) Internet Connectivity

v) Headphones with a microphone

Payment Packages

In order to make the programme affordable and tenable to parents and guardians, the following payment packages, which comes with bonus free lessons for learners, are available for the MK e-learning  Platform;

Studying Per Week———–Ugx44,000

Studying Per Month———–Ugx132,000

Studying Per Term————–Ugx316,800

It should be noted that all packages will include Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies lessons, being taught by qualified teachers.

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