Friday, July 26News That Matters

Day: August 1, 2021

Cases Of Child Labour On The Increase In Mukono

Cases Of Child Labour On The Increase In Mukono

Business, FEATURED, Latest News
Children between six to fifteen years are pouring into major trading centers to get involved in vending merchandise in order to support their families. Children are mostly seen in the towns of Kalagi, Kisoga, Nakifuma, Katosi, Seeta and Mukono town. Families depend on income collected by their children from vending boiled Maize, Eggs, Face Masks and vegetables. It's alleged that these children are being sent on the streets by their parents who are currently affected by the lockdown. For now, many residents in most communities of Mukono district welcome the additional help from their children lending a hand in the vending of merchandise on the streets. David Kiwalabye he vends electrical items, explained to us that currently his parents are not working, they are seated at home and he decide...
Why Land In Other Parts Uganda Not Talked About – Kabaka

Why Land In Other Parts Uganda Not Talked About – Kabaka

Speaking at his 28th coronation anniversary ceremony at Nkoni Palace in Lwengo District Saturday, Kabaka said both his cabinet and Lukiiko (Parliament) have been consistent in demanding what belongs to the kingdom through negotiations and will continue to use the same avenue to achieve their goal. “For the last 28 years, we have been at the forefront of demanding justice, federal, land and our buildings. These and other things, we call them Ebyaffe,” he said. “Í want to emphasize this, we shall not relent in our quest for Ebyaffe through negotiations as we have done in the past.” The kingdom had threatened to sue the government on grounds that it had failed to meet its obligation as stated in the law that reinstated cultural institutions in 1993. The Kabaka also castigated people who are ...