Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: UK

Chinese Spying in Africa through Infrastructure Projects

Chinese Spying in Africa through Infrastructure Projects

By Keefa Nuwahereza A new report shows how Beijing is using infrastructure to expand its surveillance network on the continent, making U.S. officials vulnerable. China’s Expands Spy Ambitions in Africa In 2018, the African Union accused China of infiltrating the computer network in its glitzy new headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to steal sensitive data—a task made easier by the fact that China itself built the headquarters. But it likely didn’t stop there. In recent years, China has quietly embarked on government building projects across Africa that add up to a counterintelligence nightmare for the United States and its partners on the continent, according to new research from the Heritage Foundation. China has constructed or renovated nearly 200 govern...
The African King who was on a Mission to Bankrupt Britain over War Crimes

The African King who was on a Mission to Bankrupt Britain over War Crimes

By MILDRED EUROPA TAYLOR In 2007 when Solomon Gafabusa Iguru, the Omukama or king of Bunyoro kingdom of western Uganda was invited to a banquet organized by the State to honor Queen Elizabeth II when she arrives in the country for Commonwealth, Iguru refused. The king had asked the government to organize a private meeting between him and the Queen, but that had not materialized. Three years prior to this, Iguru had sued the UK for “alleged atrocities committed by its soldiers during the colonial period,” demanding £3trillion (then $5,500bn) from the British monarchy. “The British burned down houses, destroyed crops and introduced syphilis to my people,” Iguru was quoted by The Telegraph. “They were responsible for the deaths of 2.4 million people. Moreo...
Three Rwanda Genocide Suspects Arrested, Charged in Belgium

Three Rwanda Genocide Suspects Arrested, Charged in Belgium

Three people accused of involvement in the Rwanda genocide were arrested and charged in Belgium with serious abuse of human rights, the spokesman for the Belgian federal prosecutor's office said on Saturday. The identities of the three suspects were proven by witness testimony gathered in Rwanda by an investigation by Belgian authorities. The prosecutor's office, however, gave no further details about the three suspects. Eric Van Duyse said one of the suspects was under electronic surveillance while the other two were in detention. "Two were arrested Tuesday in Brussels and the third Wednesday in Hainault (province)," Van Duyse said. "All three have been charged with serious human rights abuses," He added. According to Van Duyse, a dossier compiled by the investigating m...
Campaigners say Asylum Seeker’s Legal Victory Against Home Office is ‘beacon of hope’

Campaigners say Asylum Seeker’s Legal Victory Against Home Office is ‘beacon of hope’

The court of appeal has found a 27-year-old woman from Uganda, known only as PN, was unlawfully removed from the UK CAMPAIGNERS HAVE described a 27-year-old lesbian asylum seeker’s legal victory against the Home Office as a “beacon of hope” after the court of appeal found that the woman, known only as PN, was unlawfully deported from the UK. PN, who came to the UK from Uganda as a child, was detained in Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre before being deported in December 2013 under the fast-track system.  Her removal was subsequently ruled unlawful and the high court ordered the Home Office to bring PN back to the UK. After bringing PN back to the UK last year, the Home Office sought to have the high court ruling overturned but on Monday the court of appeal ru...
A Ugandan woman who was wrongly deported, Returns back to UK.

A Ugandan woman who was wrongly deported, Returns back to UK.

‘This is only the start’: Woman wrongly deported from UK encourages others removed under unlawful policy to come forward Exclusive: Ugandan mother, now back in Britain, encourages others in the same position to seek justice A woman who was wrongly deported from the UK and is now back in the country after successfully challenging the Home Office has called for other asylum seekers who were removed under the same unlawful policy to come forward. On Monday, the courts rejected an attempt by the Home Office to overturn a High Court decision to bring the Ugandan national, 27, back to the UK last year. Lawyers and campaigners described the ruling as a “nail in the coffin” for the policy, known as “detained fast-track”, under which she and thousands of o...
US Sanctions Wife of Former Gambia leader Jammeh

US Sanctions Wife of Former Gambia leader Jammeh

What you need to know: Jammeh ruled The Gambia with an iron fist but fled in January 2017 after losing a presidential election to relative unknown Adama Barrow, which he refused to acknowledge before being forced out of power by a popular uprising.In 2018, Washington blocked Jammeh, his wife and their children from traveling to the United States. The United States on Tuesday imposed economic sanctions on the wife of former Gambian leader Yahya Jammeh, who was accused of corruption during his 22-year rule and is the target of similar measures. "Zineb Jammeh is believed to control many of the overseas assets of her husband," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement. He said the sanctions punish "her role in materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing support...
Hotel Rwanda Hero Jailed in Rwanda on Terror Charges

Hotel Rwanda Hero Jailed in Rwanda on Terror Charges

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics, Rwanda
 “I’m ready to face terror charges against me,” declared ‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero Paul Rusesabagina this week from a cell at the Metropolitan Police Station in Kigali, Rwanda.  Rusesabagina, who faces terror, murder and arson charges, said he is now choosing his defense team to prove his innocence.  Best known for the story of how he saved 1,268 people during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, Rusesabagina vanished after reaching Dubai following a flight last week from Chicago. Days later he re-emerged, wearing handcuffs, in the Rwandan capital, Kigali.  Rwandan President Paul Kagame, breaking his silence on the dramatic arrest of a prominent dissident, maintains that his government had not forced Rusesabagina to return from exile to face charges of terrorism and murder ...
Ms Kate Airey Appointed British High Commissioner to Uganda

Ms Kate Airey Appointed British High Commissioner to Uganda

FEATURED, Latest News, Politics
 By Keefa Nuwahereza Ms Kate Airey OBE has been appointed British High Commissioner to the Republic of Uganda in succession to Mr Peter West CMG who will be retiring from the Diplomatic Service. Ms Airey will take up her appointment during December 2020. Kate Airey was appointed as the British High Commissioner to the Republic of Namibia in November 2017, and started in January 2018. Kate joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 2005, where her career has focused on Africa, including roles in London as Africa Energy Adviser, Lead on Strategy, and Lead on Prosperity (2005-2014). She has held postings overseas in Abuja, Nigeria (2007-2010) and Freetown, Sierra Leone (2014). Kate also led the 2014/2015 Ebola crisis both in Freetown as Deputy Head of the UK response and in Lon...