Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Paul Kagame

Kagame Arrests Top Critic Rusesabagina Over Rwanda Genocide

Kagame Arrests Top Critic Rusesabagina Over Rwanda Genocide

By Elite News Reporter President Paul Kagame on Monday ordered the arrest of his longtime critic Paul Rusesabagina, known for saving over 1,000 people in the hotel he managed during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, a story later told in the Hollywood film Hotel Rwanda. Rusesabagina was arrested on terror charges. The Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) said in a statement on Monday the 66-year-old government critic had been arrested abroad in an unnamed location on an international warrant and taken to Rwanda to face charges "of serious crimes including terrorism, arson, kidnap and murder". The announcement came as officers brought Rusesabagina - in handcuffs and a face mask - to the RIB's headquarters in the capital, Kigali, where he was paraded before the press. Rusesabagina did...
Burundi President Ndayishimiye Rejects Peace Talks With Rwandan Counterpart Kagame

Burundi President Ndayishimiye Rejects Peace Talks With Rwandan Counterpart Kagame

By Our Reporter Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye has rejected an olive branch from his Rwandan counterpart Paul Kagame, describing his neighbour's offer to settle their differences and reset diplomatic ties as "hypocritical". Ndayishimiye, who was elected in May, did not mention Kagame by name in a speech delivered near the Rwandan border on Thursday, and published on the president's Twitter account on Friday. But it followed Kagame's call last month for a "turnaround" in the long-strained relationship between Burundi and Rwanda, and for the two leaders to chart a less hostile course under Ndayishimiye. "We do not want to have such relations with a country that uses malice, a hypocritical country, which claims to want to restore good relations with Burundi, while plac...
Probing Of Rwandan Genocide Suspect Ntiwiragabo Starts In France

Probing Of Rwandan Genocide Suspect Ntiwiragabo Starts In France

By Our Reporter The probing of Rwanda genocide suspect, Aloys Ntiwiragabo, has kicked off in France. French investigative news site Mediapart found the former spy chief hiding in Orleans, about 100km southwest of Paris. The probing came after France opened an investigation into alleged crimes against humanity by Ntiwiragabo, a top former Rwandan military official, during the country's 1994 genocide that killed at least 800,000 people. Prosecutors said on Saturday a preliminary investigation was opened after Ntiwiragabo was found hiding in the suburbs of the city of Orleans, about 100km (62 miles) southwest of Paris. French investigative news site Mediapart tracked down the former Rwandan spy chief after he was identified by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (IC...
Kagame Reinstates Loyalist Gatabazi, Appoints Kayitesi To Govern Southern Province

Kagame Reinstates Loyalist Gatabazi, Appoints Kayitesi To Govern Southern Province

By Elite News Reporter Rwandan President Paul Kagame has reinstated  his blue-eyed boy Jean Marie Vianney Gatabazi as the Governor Northern Province, and appointed iron-lady Alice Kayitesi as the Governor Southern Province. The  appointments were communicated in a Communique by the Office of the Prime Minister, issued July 7th,2020, which reads in part thus; Communique from Prime Minister's office about Jean Marie Gatabazi and Alice Kaboyo's appointment “Pursuant to the Law n14/2013 of 25/03/2013 determining the organisation and functioning of the Province especially in its article 9; His Excellency the President has reinstated Mr. Jean Marie Vianney Gatabazi as Governor of Northern Province; and appointed Ms. Alice Kayitesi as Governor of the Southern Province. ...
President Kagame To Write About Rwanda Liberation Struggle

President Kagame To Write About Rwanda Liberation Struggle

By Elite News Reporter Rwandan president Paul Kagame has announced that he will find time and write a book or use "other forms" to chronicle the four-year Liberation Struggle that ended in 1994. He made the announcement via his Twitter handle on Saturday, July 4, as the country celebrated the 26th anniversary of the end of the four-year liberation struggle. On this day, the nation celebrates the courageous fighters of RPA, an armed wing of RPF-Inkotanyi who liberated the country in 1994, stopping the Genocide and setting the country on a development path. He said that the struggle, which he commanded, was more complex than people may think. Kagame said that his motivation to write has been the fact that "the struggle and history of all this [Liberation] is by far too comple...
Rwanda To Resume Commercial Flights Despite COVID-19 Lockdown

Rwanda To Resume Commercial Flights Despite COVID-19 Lockdown

By Elite News Reporter The government of Rwanda has announced a lift of the ban on commercial flights following the Coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown that was announced by President Paul Kagame in March this year. The Ministry of Infrastructure (Mininfra) on Saturday, July 4 announced that Rwanda will reopen airport operations for scheduled commercial flights on August 1, 2020. The move follows months of restricted passenger flights since May 18, as a means to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a statement from Mininfra, several measures shall be adhered to in order to safeguard the health of passengers, crew and staff. "Rwanda's airports will reopen for scheduled commercial flight operations on August 1, 2020. To ensure the safety and health of passengers, crews and...
Museveni Gov’t Sued For Denying Rwandan Lawyers Licenses To Operate In Uganda

Museveni Gov’t Sued For Denying Rwandan Lawyers Licenses To Operate In Uganda

By Elite News Reporter President Yoweri Museveni’s government  has been dragged to court over allegations of  blocking Rwandan lawyers from practicing in Uganda. The Attorney General of Uganda will soon appear before the East African Court of Justice to defend his country over accusations of denying lawyers trained in Rwanda from enrolling and practicing law in Uganda. The case was filed by Initiatives for Peace and Human Rights (iPeace) – a Rwanda-registered Non-Governmental Organization on June 30, 2020. This case stems from the decision rendered by the High Court of Uganda on 13 may 2020 where Andrew M. Bataamwe was ruled ineligible for enrolment as an advocate in Uganda because he holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from Rwanda, considered as a count...
Controversy Arises After France Rejects New Probe Into Former Rwanda President Habyarimana’s Killing

Controversy Arises After France Rejects New Probe Into Former Rwanda President Habyarimana’s Killing

By Elite News Reporter Controversy has arisen after the French appeals judges rejected a request to reopen investigation into the 1994 assassination of Rwanda's President Juvenal Habyarimana, which sparked the genocide that killed over 800,000 people. Families of those who died when Habyarimana's plane was shot down, including Habyarimana's widow Agathe, will bring a challenge to Friday's decision to France's Supreme Court, their lawyers said. The appeals court in Paris had been asked to revisit a 2018 decision to throw out a probe against nine members and former members of incumbent President Paul Kagame's entourage in a case that has poisoned relations between the two countries. A plane carrying Habyarimana, from Rwanda's Hutu majority, was shot down in Kigali on April 6, 19...
Tension After  Militia Attack Rwanda Defence Forces Base At Border With  Burundi

Tension After Militia Attack Rwanda Defence Forces Base At Border With Burundi

By Elite News Reporter Authorities in Rwanda are hunting for unknown gunmen attacked a base of Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) near the border with Burundi, injuring several soldiers, on Saturday. This comes at a time when Rwandan security services were considering such incidents had subsided in recent months. RDF said in a statement on Saturday morning that unidentified gunmen at about 00:20 hours, attacked their “defensive position” at Ruheru sector in Nyaruguru District, in Southern Rwanda, on Saturday morning. Army Spokesperson, Lt. Col. Innocent Munyengango, said the RDF engaged the attackers who withdrew back to Burundi. “The gunmen attacked from Burundi and they fled back in the same direction, leaving behind four of their dead and various military equipment that include...
New Era As  French Court Grants Access To Rwandan Genocide Archives

New Era As French Court Grants Access To Rwandan Genocide Archives

By Elite News Reporter A researcher in France has won a protracted legal battle for access to ex-President Francois Mitterrand's archives on the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which Kigali accuses Paris of having played a role. The State Council, France's top administrative court, ruled on Friday the documents would allow researcher and author Francois Graner "to shed light on a debate that is a matter of public interest". Presidential archives are usually confidential for 60 years after they were signed, but under certain circumstances, such as public interest, can be made public earlier. "Protection of state secrets must be balanced against the interests of informing the public about historic events," the State Council said. "This is a victory for the law, but also for his...