Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Ministry of health

“Prof Mbonye Forgave MoH Tormentors before Dying” Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye

“Prof Mbonye Forgave MoH Tormentors before Dying” Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye

The Cabinet Secretary and Head of Public Service Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye has disclosed that her husband forgave his tormentors at the Ministry of Health where he served as Director of Medical Services. Nakyobe told mourners at Professor Anthony Mbonye’s vigil that she blames the infighting at the Health Ministry as the trigger that started off the illness that has finally killed her husband. Nevertheless, the late Prof Anthony Kabanza Mbonye did most of his literary work during his four years battle with cancer according to family and friends. Two years ago, he wrote a tell-it-all book about the fights in the ministry but abruptly withdrew it from circulation before many copies had been sold. Prof Mbonye breathed his last yesterday morning. According to the wife of the deceased Lucy Nakyobe, M...
‘Lockdown Likely to Stay’’ Ministry Official

‘Lockdown Likely to Stay’’ Ministry Official

Health ministry officials have warned that it is likely that covid-19 restrictions will not be lifted after the 42-day lockdown. This comes as Ugandans are appealing to the government to consider lifting the lockdown arguing that they need to resume work and fend for their families. According the ministry permanent secretary Dr. Diana Atwiine much as the cases have reduced, it’s still early to speculate about whether to extend or lift the lockdown. She meanwhile says much as some of the locked sections might be lifted, there is need to further lock some for the safety of Ugandans. She meanwhile reveals that the country will receive two consignments of covid19 vaccines before the end of this week. Dr Diana says at least 300,000 doses of the Sinovac vaccine and 286,000 doses of AstraZeneca v...
Prof. Kabanza Mbonye is Dead

Prof. Kabanza Mbonye is Dead

Education, FEATURED, NEWS, Politics
Prof. Anthony Kabanza Mbonye, husband to Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye, the out going State House comptroller, has died. The former director general Health Services died Sunday morning, according to statement from State House. “We regret to announce the passing of Prof. Anthony Kabanza Mbonye, husband to Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye, the out going State house comptroller,” State House tweeted on Sunday. Prof Mbonye resigned from Ministry of Health in 2018 after serving for more than 30 years. Mbonye who earned his PhD from the university of Copenhagen also taught at Makerere University School of Public Health since 1996 and at the Uganda Christian University since 2008.
Third Ebola case in North Kivu province of DRC Confirmed

Third Ebola case in North Kivu province of DRC Confirmed

Case found in Butembo, epicentre of a major outbreak that was declared over last June after nearly two years. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has confirmed a third Ebola case this week in North Kivu province, provincial health minister Eugene Nzanzu Salita has said. The case was found in Butembo, a city of more than one million people and the epicentre of a major outbreak of the disease that was declared over last June after nearly two years. “We are in a meeting to gather all the information on the investigations done around this case,” Salita said on Friday. Congo’s health ministry announced a resurgence of the disease on February 7, after a woman contracted Ebola and died. She was married to a survivor of the previous outbreak. Two people have died from Ebola th...
Gov’t Allows Ugandans To Bury Relatives Who Die Of COVID-19

Gov’t Allows Ugandans To Bury Relatives Who Die Of COVID-19

By Our Reporter The government of Uganda has through the Ministry of Health relaxed directives that were issued in March this year regarding the burial of  COVID-19 victims. It should be noted that the government had tasked the Ministry of Health and the COVID-19 National Taskforce  to handle the burial of all people that die of Coronavirus. However, according to the new directives, relatives of COVID-19 victims have been  allowed to bury their deceased, provided they follow the Standard Operation Procedures.   The revelation was made by Iren Nakasiita, the  spokesperson Red Cross Uganda, who revealed that the government had reached the resolution to allow relatives bury  their loved ones who die of COVID-19  in a bid to reduce costs involved...
Calamity: PM Johnson Announces Second England Lockdown As COVID-19 Surpass 1 Million

Calamity: PM Johnson Announces Second England Lockdown As COVID-19 Surpass 1 Million

By Our Reporter The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson has ordered England back into a national lockdown after the UK  surpassed the milestone of one million COVID-19 cases and a second wave of infections threatened to overwhelm the health service. The UK, which has the biggest official death toll in Europe from COVID-19, is grappling with more than 20,000 new Coronavirus cases a day and scientists have warned the “worst case” scenario of 80,000 dead could be exceeded. Johnson, at a hastily convened news conference in Downing Street after news of a lockdown leaked to local media, said that the one-month lockdown across England would kick in at a minute past midnight on Thursday morning and last until December 2. In some of the most onerous restrictions in ...
US Joins Uganda to Co-sponsor a Non-binding International Declaration Opposing Abortion

US Joins Uganda to Co-sponsor a Non-binding International Declaration Opposing Abortion

FEATURED, Health, Latest News
 The United States joined Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda on Thursday to co-sponsor a nonbinding international declaration opposing abortion, in a rebuke of the UN Human Rights Council, which has enshrined abortion access as a universal right. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar participated in the virtual signing ceremony. The Geneva Consensus Declaration aims to promote women's health, "defends the unborn and reiterates the vital importance of the family," Pompeo said at the ceremony. Access to abortion is widely restricted in the other countries to co-sponsor the declaration. "There is no international right to abortion," Pompeo said. Though the document does not directly address same-sex marriage, the only co-spon...
Gov’t Bans Early Campaigns, Warns Journalists About Rising COVID-19 Cases

Gov’t Bans Early Campaigns, Warns Journalists About Rising COVID-19 Cases

By Keefa Nuwahereza The government, through the minister of Information  and Communication Technology (ICT) and National Guidance, Judith Nabakooba, has warned politicians to desist from campaigning when it is not yet time for conducting political campaigns. Minister Nabakooba, who is also the Mityana District Woman member of Parliament, issued the warning in a statement released Sunday October 18, 2020, in which she also warned journalists to watch out for their lives, because chances of contracting Coronavirus (COVID-19) during this political season are high are cases of infection are increasing among the media fraternity. Here below is the Minister’s statement in part;     “The Ministry of ICT and National guidance is mandated to keep the public informed...
Shameless: Father  To Rot In Jail For Defiling Own Daughter

Shameless: Father To Rot In Jail For Defiling Own Daughter

By Keefa Nuwahereza A very shameless man in western Uganda is set to rot in jail after he was arrested for defiling his daughter. This comes after prosecution on Tuesday October 13th, 2020, closed a case a defilement case at the High Court in Mbarara district, in which Charles Migizi, who is on remand at Kyamugorani prisons, is accused of allegedly defiling his daughter  identified as Charity Kyosimire. According to prosecution in the case which is before Justice….. Kavuma, it is alleged that on the 2nd  day of April 2020, a Kyosimire, who is 12 years old, was defiled by her father Mugizi while in Rwentabo cell, Kashongi Sub-county, Kiruhura District. According to Dr. Amon Aruho, of Enforcement of Patients and Health Workers’ Rights (EPHWOR), who held brief for the s...
Is it Hydroxychloroquine or Restrictions for Uganda’s low Coronavirus Cases!

Is it Hydroxychloroquine or Restrictions for Uganda’s low Coronavirus Cases!

Hydroxychloroquine has been touted by some — including President Donald Trump — as a treatment for COVID-19. But studies have found it is not an effective treatment and may cause serious side effects for some patients, as we’ve reported. False claims about the drug nevertheless continue to circulate on social media. An article shared on Facebook from the website is headlined, “Hydroxychloroquine is why Uganda, with a population of 43M, has only 15 COVID-19 deaths.” “Uganda, a country in east-central Africa, has a 2018 population of 42.729 million, which is 13% of the United States’ population of 328.239 million in 2019,” the article says. “And yet Uganda has 1,603 COVID-19 cases and just 15 deaths (h/t Rush Limbaugh), wh...