Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Justice Simon Byabakama

One Dead, Several Injured As Police Battles Bobi Wine Supporters In Kayunga

One Dead, Several Injured As Police Battles Bobi Wine Supporters In Kayunga

By Our Reporter At least one person is confirmed to have died and several others, including a police officer sustained injuries as police violently dispersed National Unity Platform (NUP) presidential contender Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine’s supporters. One of Bobi Wine's supporters who died on spot One man who is yet to be identified was reportedly shot in the head and others suffered accidents as they scampered for their dear lives after police shot bullets and teargas to stop them from crowding around Bobi Wine, who was scheduled to hold a rally in the area. This one sustained head injuries during the fracas The injured include Bobi Wine’s music producer Dan Magic, a police officer only identified as ASP Kato, who heads the security team that the Electoral C...
Electoral Commission Refuses To Invite EU Observers For 2021 Presidential Election

Electoral Commission Refuses To Invite EU Observers For 2021 Presidential Election

By Keefa Nuwahereza The Electoral Commission (EC), led by Justice Simon Byabakama, has without giving reason, refused invite Election Observers from the European Union ahead of the 2021 presidential election. This was revealed Tuesday by the EU Ambassador to Uganda H.E Attilio Pacifici, who revealed that the Election  Observers from EU will not participate in the 2021 elections because up to now they  have not been invited by the E.C,  which hasn’t been the case in previous years. Ambassador Pacifici said they need to have a specific invitation  so as to participate in the electoral process. “Unlike in the past national polls where the Government formally wrote to the EU inviting them to participate as stakeholders in the electoral process, this time around...
Electoral Commission Short Of Money To Hold 2021 Election, Offices To Be Demolished

Electoral Commission Short Of Money To Hold 2021 Election, Offices To Be Demolished

By Keefa Nuwahereza The Electoral Commission is short of money that it needs to effectively hold the 2021 general election, which included voting for the president, Members of Parliament and local government positions. According to a report by the Auditor General compiled for the Financial Year 2018/2019, the Justice Simon Byabakama led Commission received very little funding from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP) compared to  the amount they had budgeted for the 2020/2021 Electoral Roadmap. As a result of the underfunding, the Auditor General John B. Muwanga is of the view that the Commission is not in position to successfully hold the forthcoming elections unless government injects more money into the EC. AG Muwanga’s report reads in part thus; “The ...
Bobi Wine Trashes Electoral Commission’s Scientific Elections, Calls On Museveni To Step Down Peacefully

Bobi Wine Trashes Electoral Commission’s Scientific Elections, Calls On Museveni To Step Down Peacefully

By Keefa Nuwahereza People Power movement leader Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, who is also the Kyadondo East Member of Parliament and a 2021 Presidential contender, has  called upon President Yoweri Museveni to either stand down peacefully or be dust-binned into  the trash cans of history.  Bobi Wine said this on Monday while addressing People Power leaders at the pressure group’s offices in Kampala, where he issued a statement about the Scientific Elections that the Electoral Commission is planning to organise next year. Some of the People Power stalwarts who attended the Press Briefing Here below is Bobi Wine’s full statement reproduced verbatim; Apart from Bobi Wine, Members of parliament who attended the press briefing were Hon. Muwaga Kivubi Muhammad of B...
Electoral Commission Announces Stringent Election Laws, Bans Political Rallies Ahead Of 2021 Elections

Electoral Commission Announces Stringent Election Laws, Bans Political Rallies Ahead Of 2021 Elections

By Keefa Nuwahereza The Electoral Commission on Tuesday announced stringent regulations that will be followed by all politicians and voters in the forthcoming 2021 elections. The regulations enshrined in the E.C Revised Roadmap for 2020/2021 General Elections, which were announced  the E.C Chairperson Simon Byabakama,  include among others conditions that will ensure that all voters are protected from contracting the deadly Coronavirus. The guidelines also include abolishment of political rallies, which have been replaced by online campaigns, specific dates on which candidates for various positions will be nominated and voted.  Below is Justice Byabakama’s full detailed speech about the E.C Revised 2021 General Elections Roadmap;   Dear esteemed members...