Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Spain Reports Shocking Record Single-day Coronavirus Death Toll At 849

 By Elite Reporter

Sad news coming in indicates that Spain has Tuesday recorded a shocking new single-day Coronavirus death toll after 849 people died from the virus between Monday and Tuesday.
 The country’s total number of cases now stands at 94,417 – up from 85,195 on Monday – and its death toll at 8,189.

Meanwhile,  the number of Coronavirus cases in Russia jumped to 2,337 on Tuesday, an increase of 500, as the country recorded its biggest daily rise for the seventh day in a row. In Russia, 18 people who contracted the Coronavirus have died, while 121 people have recovered.

On the other hand, Italy has extended its lockdown until Easter. The number of new Coronavirus infections reported on Monday was 1,648, as opposed to 3,815 the previous day. The death toll, however, rose again, with 812 deaths reported, compared with 756 the day before.

Ireland’s daily growth rate in confirmed cases of Coronavirus has halved. Ireland on Monday confirmed 295 new cases, the second highest daily number, bringing the total to 2,910. It recorded eight deaths, bringing the death toll to 54. Northern Ireland has 533 confirmed cases and 22 deaths.

But according to the World Health Organization (WHO) the coyronavirus epidemic is “far from over” in the Asia-Pacific region, and current measures to curb the spread of the virus are buying time for countries to prepare for large-scale community transmissions, a WHO official said.

The first comprehensive study of Covid-19 deaths and hospitalisations in mainland China has revealed in stark detail the increase in risk for Coronavirus patients once they reach middle age.

The number of deaths related to Coronavirus in the US has passed 3,000.

Figures from Johns Hopkins University show the toll from Coronavirus now exceeds that from the September 11 terrorist attacks. The number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in the US, at 164,539 is double those in China.

However, the World Bank has warned the pandemic is causing “unprecedented global shock.”

China’s growth could come to a standstill while 11 million more people in east Asia could be driven into poverty

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