Saturday, July 27News That Matters

‘If Opposition MPs Don’t Want COVID-19 Money, Let Them Leave It’- Min. Magyezi

By Keefa Nuwahereza

Hon. Raphael Magyezi, who is the Member of Parliament for Igara West County and Minister for Local Government, has encouraged all Members of Parliament to accept money given to them by Parliament to help in combating Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Magyezi, who made headlines some time back after fronting the Presidential Age Limit amendment bill,  made the remarks on Thursday, after Opposition politicians like Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, Francis Zaake and others  announced that they had rejected the COVID-19 money.

In a statement he posted on social media, Magyezi said thus;
“I encourage all NRM MPs not to reject this money, we need to help people with this money. If Opposition MPs don’t want to take the money, let them leave it. Actually they should give it to us cause we have a lot of people who call us begging for food. 

Opposition MPs think they are too smart but I just laugh at them some times. How can you refuse 20M, don’t they have people in their constituencies who are looking for help in these hard times?”

He added that “I can not return back the money that is meant to help people in quarantine. The people shouting are the ones going to praise us when we give them help from this money.

So my fellow NRM MPs don’t be intimidated by these opposition MPs, the rebel MPs and the public, take this money and help people in your constituencies.”

His remarks came after several sections of the public blasted MPs for being greedy and benefitting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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