Saturday, July 27News That Matters

6 Ways To Improve Your Physical Health And Well Being At Work

By Our reporter

Did you know that most of us spend 13 hours a day sitting down?

All of this inactivity has the potential to cause serious health problems. But it can be hard to stay fit and healthy when you have a sedentary job. So here are six tips for boosting your health and well being at work.

Build Activity Into Your Commute

 Why not walk, cycle or jog part of the way to work? Or if you take public transport, get off one stop early and walks the rest of the way.

Take Regular Screen Breaks

Aim to get away from your desk for a few minutes every hour. Chat  with a colleague rather than emailing them, take a phone call while standing, or take a look out of the window.

Use The Stairs

 Forget the elevator and take the stairs. Doing this will help to build up your aerobic capacity, raise your heart rate, and increase your muscle strength.

Hold stand-up or walking meetings.

Not only will this get you up, it will make your meetings fun, creative and productive.

Go Outside For Lunch

 Make an effort to leave your desk for lunch, even if it’s just for a short walk around the block. This will boost blood circulation, flex your joints, and give you time for mental recharging and reflection.

Eat Well

 To be truly effective, healthy behavior has to combine exercise and diet. So prepare something that’s both nutritious and delicious.

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