Friday, July 26News That Matters

Day: April 21, 2022

Malaria vaccination to begin in 2023-Dr.Jane Ruth Aceng

Malaria vaccination to begin in 2023-Dr.Jane Ruth Aceng

FEATURED, Health, Latest News, NEWS
The Minister for Health has revealed that government will start the implementation of the malaria vaccine at end of 2023. Dr. Ruth Aceng made this revelation while responding to prayers in a motion urging government to strengthen efforts to prevent, control and eliminate transmission of malaria in Uganda. “We are ready for implementation of the malaria vaccine. It may be introduced at the end of next year and is mainly for children. It is not 100 per cent effective but we appreciate that it could bring the burden of malaria down,” Aceng said. She added that the money that is spent on malaria is currently donor funded and from partnerships. “We spend over US$120 million on malaria treatment annually with majorly donor support. We have also gone into partnerships with the private sector and ...
MTN paves the way for women’s progress to achieve sustainable societies

MTN paves the way for women’s progress to achieve sustainable societies

Given the high unemployment levels in the country, there is need to break the bias and promote gender diversity across professions by encouraging women to seek opportunities in male-dominated industries. In support of SDG 5 which advocates for gender equality, MTN Uganda in collaboration with key partners is making strides in empowering women in order to achieve sustainable societies.  MTN Foundation supports Girls with Tools Prossy Nalunkuuma is pursuing a mechanical engineering certification at Smart Girls Foundation in Wakiso. Garbed in a blue mechanic’s overall shielded by gloves in hand, Nalunkuuma, who is bent over a car’s open bonnet is cognizant of the awkward stares she attracts from the public as a result of her career choice. Driven by her passion and unfettered ambition to on...