Saturday, July 27News That Matters

your where not elected by Kayunga people, you were just appointed by Mr. Museveni.” – kayunga councilors

The swearing in ceremony was attended by blessed by National resistance movement big wigs at the secretariat, headed by the secretary general Richard Tadwong.
The ceremony was also conducted under tight security beefed all-over the district headquarters armed with teargas canisters.
While conveying his speech Tadwong assured the Kayunga district local government leaders, that government is going to increase on the it’s budget from 40 billions to 45 billion in the next financial year.

“In the next financial year, the budget will now increase from shs40 billion to shs45 billion. This is mainly to help you, leaders of Kayunga district, to fight poverty, illiteracy, and underdevelopment and make sure you take services to your people,” Todwong said.
Drama ensued at the ceremony when the out going interim chairman Joel Kayiira told the new chairman to expect opposition from Kayunga people because they didn’t voted.

“As iam handing over the office I want to assure you that your where not elected by Kayunga people, you were just appointed by Mr. Museveni.” Kayiira said.
After taking the oath, Muwonge pledged to serve the people of Kayunga without discrimination.
“I have come to unite and serve the people of Kayunga and I want to assure the councillors that we have not merely got a change in the district leadership, but we shall experience a change in service delivery,” Muwonge said.
He also appointed his executive members which included Ruth Kabazi Zalwango, as his deputy who will also double as the secretary for production whereas the Kangulimira sub-county councillor, Fahad Kamanda was appointed secretary of education, Moses Oyoyo from Nazigo town council as the secretary for finance and administration and Lydia Nakate, the Bbaale female councilor, as the secretary for health all from the ruling NRM.
Meanwhile the (NUP) members in the press conference, they rejected Andrew Muwonge as the elected chairman and vowed to fight him.
Muwonge won the disputed election by 31830 votes while National Unity Platform’s Harriet Nakweede got 31380 votes to win the Kayunga LC5 seat

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