Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Vaccine to be Administered to Consenting People

by liz

vaccinating of people against Covid 19 starts today in Uganda, the Presidential Advisor on Epidemics Dr. Monica Musenero said that only those who will consent to receive the vaccine will get immunized. 
Dr. Musenero said: “The AstraZeneca vaccine is to be administered through injection on the arm to  people above 18 years who will consent because the vaccine has not yet been fully accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO).”
“These will sign consent forms which will be availed in every local language for one to understand what they are getting themselves into.” She added
Dr. Musenero made the remarks at Fairway hotel in Kampala during a health workshop with the media.

During the training she noted that the primary cause of the vaccine is to control severe disease and stopping death. “Therefore if one is vaccined he/she will be required to continue following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) like wearing masks, social distancing to prevent infecting those who have not been vaccinated.”

It should be noted that there is a lot of negative attitudes and misconceptions  towards the vaccine by people. 
Dr. Musenero appealed to people to trust the vaccine that it has been found safe after doing a lot of research in countries where it has been used.
With a lot of demand for the vaccine in the country, it will not be administered in private hospitals unless government permits them on condition that the government procures the vaccine for them to avoid administering the wrong vaccine to people at a high price which could result into problems for the country. 

The vaccine is to be administered in two doses in a period of 12 weeks upon first administration of the first vaccine.

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