Saturday, July 27News That Matters

women’s day We celebrate your contribution to the development of our families, communities, societies & the entire world.

I join the women in Uganda & all over the world to celebrate your day.  We celebrate your contribution to the development of our families, communities, societies & the entire world.
We celebrate your hard work, sacrifice, commitment & resilience that you exhibit throughout your lives. We celebrate your patience, unending love, care, forgiveness & empathy that you give to us.
We celebrate the achievements that we have together made in championing your emancipation & achieving total freedom.
Without you, we can’t be. You are our heroes, our friends, our mothers, our daughters, our sisters & our wives. Your absence makes our lives incomplete while your presence makes our lives fulfilling. That’s why when God created Adam, and all other things, he realized that Adam was incomplete without a wife.
You bear the pain of carrying us in your wombs as fetus, carry us on your backs as babies & later on your stomachs as adults. You breastfeed us as babies & later as husbands. You feed us as children & later as adults.
You make us happy, your presence in our lives changes our status in society & transforms our homes, our relating with you expands our kinship & expands our family.
As wives in homes you sleep late when everyone has slept & wake up early to prepare for us, you pray for us, even at night check on us,  keep our homes when we are miles away.
As mothers you feed us, clean us, dress us, take care of us when we are sick, discipline us when we are in wrong, plead for us when we make mistakes & protect us from danger.
Often we make you cry, disappoint you, disrespect you, torture you emotionally or even physically, sometimes undermine you but all in all you keep afloat, you become resilient & move on. 
Despite the challenges you go through & the stereotypes against you, you remain our great heroes and I take this opportunity to celebrate you all. 
May God bless you today & forever.
Muhimbise George,, 0787836515
The author is a member of Alliance for National Transformation Publicity Committee

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