Saturday, July 27News That Matters

UPDF Arrests LDU Militia For Brutalising Mityana District LC V Chairman Luzige

By Keefa Nuwahereza

The Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF) have arrested four Local Defence (LDU) militia for brutalizing Joseph Luzige, the LC V Chairman Mityana District, who tried to stop them from assaulting a woman.

According to videos have since gone viral on social media, four LDU militia were recorded slapping, pushing, flogging and shoving Luzige, as he tried to plead with them, telling them not to mistreat Ugandans.

One of the LDU militia is heard in the video shouting at Luzige that;“Who are you? You the LC Chairman? Me I don’t know those things. I’m not a politician. Go away from here!”

However, according to his statement at police, Luzige said he found the LDU militia clobbering a woman whom they allegedly found being ridden  on a boda-boda, yet President Yoweri Museveni banned boda-bodas from carrying passengers.

“Instead of heeding my pleas to stop assaulting the woman, the LDU’s just started assaulting me. I told them that I am the District Chairman and that they shouldn’t beat Ugandans like that. But they continued beating me,” Luzige said.

However, on Tuesday morning, the Mityana Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Isha Ntumwa, confirmed the arrest of security forces that assaulted arrested the Chairperson LC5 Mityana District, Joseph Luzige, although he did not reveal that charges they are facing.

This however comes a few days after several LDU militia and UPDF soldiers have been handed deterrent jail sentences after they got involved in the murder of innocent Ugandans.

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