Friday, July 26News That Matters

Two Arrested As Minister Nabakooba Suspends Work at Buikwe District Land Offices

The minister for lands, Hon Judith Nabakooba has suspended Buikwe District lands office for two weeks to pave way for the investigations to take place, accusing staff of massive fraud.
She also arrested two people including the secretary for the district land board.
The arrest and closure of offices comes after numerous complaints accusing Buikwe leaders for fraudently giving out land titles on public land in Bugoba and Kidadili villages to rich people who in turn chase people off their bibanja.
In the meeting the affected residents accused their leaders, the RDC, district land board for conniving with the rich people to sell to them the land without prioritizing people on the land.
“Maama Nabakooba help us investigate government workers like the RDC for conniving with the rich people against the poor Bibanja holders” residents said.
The Residents accused the RDC of Buikwe Jane Francis Kagaayi for working with police and they forcefully chase people over their bibanja.
So later Hon Nabakooba asked the secretary Hadija Ssebyala to explain the mess and mention the names of the people who wrongfully acquired the land, a thing that she failed to do and the minister ordered for her arrest.
“Hon. Minister, I need more time cross-check the documents rightnow I don’t remember those people.” Hadija Saidm
In the related development a one Ssemakula was also arrested for encroaching on the public land with forged land titles.
He was also asked to explain how he acquired the land title and who sold it to him.
Buikwe district woman MP Diana Mutasingwa noted that is a problem throughout the country and such actions will help remove such corrupt people from the land offices.
“I Am very happy that the minister has come here because our Buikwe people have been facing challenges with land evictions and we need more investigation on the district leaders” Noted Mutasingwa.
The land minister Nabakooba warned the un seriousness of the district land board workers in doing their job and directed them to go back on ground to map out the residential areas and farming areas.
“How can a full land registrar fail to at least mention one person who has titles on the government’s land; this impunity should stop” Nabakooba warned.
Nabakooba also advised that the district land board should prioritize the people who are on the land to get titles, before considering people from far.
The contested public land is estimated to be one square mile with 400 occupants on it with a government school.

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