Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Three lawyers Charged With Fraud at Mukono Court

Three lawyers have been arraigned before Mukono Court Chief magistrate Tadeo Muyinda on cases related to forgery and with seven counts of forgery and uttering false documents.

The trio Nsubuga Keneth Sebagayunga, Lukungu Musa and Zahura Shamim are battling charges of forgery, uttering a false document, conspiracy to commit a felony and fraudulent procurement of registration on a certificate.

The three lawyers are also charged alongside three business people, Namuddu Harriet, Mukasa Joel and Bigomba Hakim. They were arrested by the state house anti corruption working together with uganda police.

In the charge sheet which was read by the court clerk, counsel Nsubuga Keneth Sebagayunga and the rest, on 4th january 2022 at state house Anti-Corruption Unit in Kampala knowingly and fraudulently uttered a false document to wit land sales agreement for 8 acres comprised on block 191 plot 275.

It is alleged that Nsubuga purported that the same had been signed by Stella Mulira as a vendor whereas not, the accused pleaded not guilty of the charges against them and asked for bail.

Sarah Rosemary Mulira died in June 2020 and left property among them Block 191 plot 275 Kyagwe land at Gwanya, Kinga, Kapeke in Mukono and Nsike Ndeeba Lubaga. On 11/8/2020 the suspects Namuddu Harriet Kibuuka, Menya John Brian and Mwime Arthur fraudulently transferred the above land of Mukono into their names.

The suspects connived with a Lawyer Nsubuga Keneth Sebagayunga of Mukono to make the agreement and backdated it.

They wanted to use it to secure a loan of 4Billion from Legacy Credit Ltd. The institution sent a surveyor to open boundaries of the land and the relatives of the deceased discovered the fraud. The suspects presented a purported sales agreement allegedly signed by Sarah Mulira but the signature was forged.

Aurthur Mwebesa of A. Mwebesa company advocates stated that the charges defense counsel stated that charges preferred against his clients are baseless aimed at tarnishing the integrity of the accused.

”its very unfortunate that such baseless charges are put against the advocates of the high court of Uganda, but justice will prevail and their names shall be cleared for any wrong doing”

The accused have been granted 1 million shillings cash bail and the two suerities each to pay ten million shillings non cash, case adjourned to 2nd feb 2022.

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