Saturday, July 27News That Matters

The power of tongue!Raila Odinga was cursed by his father.

This happened many years ago when Jaramogi was chairing a Ford Kenya meeting in a room. Raila interrupted the meeting after he walked in with some young men he had hired and started heckling the members of the party which paralysed the activities of the meeting. Jaramogi tried to cool him down and send away the young men but he did not listen to him. Raila believed that his father had become old and it was time to take the leadership of the party by force. This made Jaramogi very angry that he cursed his son.
“Amollo, it’s good that you have found it worth to disrupt this conference”….. Jaramogi continued, “My son Amollo, remember I started this struggle since independence, way before you were even born. I have fought Kenyatta and Moi but never succeeded, am still struggling now to be the president of Kenya up to now. I want to tell you this, if your intention is to sink me down for a takeover you will also struggle until your sunset days trying to be the president, and you will never be!”

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