Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Sogea Satom Hands Over Katosi Water Treatment Plant To NWSC

The 300 million litres of water demand per day in Kampala metropolitan seems to be no more, this follows the handover of the finished water facility to the management of National Water and sewerage corporation (NWSC). The project will provide 160 million litres Water per day to 7.4 million people in Kampala metropolitan.

Before receiving the handover documents, officials from NWSC led by ED Silver Mugisha and Board Chairman Eng. Dr. Prof Badru.M.Kiggundu, chairman technical committee of the board George Runge, toured the area to assess the state of the facility they are going to receive. 

Eng. Friedrich Lantzberg said that the quality of civil works and mechanical work at the plant will make the facility to stay for over 50 years while supplying water to Ugandans if well handled, Friedrich also noted that despite challenges of covid 19 they have been able to deliver a good work.

“Our construction works were hindered by the covid19 pandemic due to the lockdown, transporting equipment from Mombasa port wasn’t easy but we are able to deliver a commendable work” Eng. Friedrich.

Kampala metropolitan NWSC general manager, Muhamood Lutaaya urged people to use the available water by using the NSWC sewerage system to manage their waste because the process is cheap.

He also revealed that NWSC is working along with KCCA to ensure that all buildings in Kampala are connected to the main sewer systems constructed in the city outskirts because water is in plenty. 

NWSC Board Chairman Eng.Dr. Prof Badru Kiggundu appreciated the management of NWSC for the excellent supervisory role of the project.

“This project was like a dream that has now come true. With it, we are going to resolve all the water supply challenges in Kampala City.

“We are happy to note that some customers, previously in dry zone areas, are already getting water. We are now working to serve other customers.” Kigundu said.

He assured city dwellers of excellent water quality, excellent customer service and urged them to report all supply challenges to NWSC.

Eng. Silver mugisha the ED National water and sewerage corporation, however, appealed to the general public to continue paying the monthly water dues, despite the fact that they are affected by lockdown, because NSWC needs money to finance the operation and maintenance of the facility. 

“Those who are able to pay please pay your dues because NWSC needs money run the system, chemicals to treat the water” Mugisha said.

Mugisha also revealed that the government plans another project at Kaazi that will see the areas of Wakiso and Mpigi provided with 65 million litres of water per day.

The 165 million Euros project, will be key in mitigating water shortage around Kampala Metropolitan Area, and is expected to supplement the Ggaba Water Plant, which is currently constrained by increasing demand, especially in south east Kampala.

Among the funders of the  project are the government of Uganda, European Union Africa infrastructure trust fund (EU-ITF) European Union Investment bank (EIB) among others. 

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