Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Shock As Min. Of Health Officials Intercept COVID-19 Body At Airport Smuggled Into Country As Cargo

By Elite Reporter

There was untold shock at Entebbe International Airport on Tuesday morning after ministry of Health officials and security officers intercepted a body of a person who died of Coronavirus, which had been smuggled into the country as cargo.

Immediately after detecting the corpse of a black man, cargo handlers quickly alerted security officers, who in turn notified the Ministry, which quickly dispatched a team to handle the body before more people could get infected.

Shortly after intercepting the  corpse and taking for proper interment,  a tweeter handled known as Ntungamo Youth Foundation tweeted thus; “Today our Task force together with the team from Ministry of Health intercepted a body brought in the Country as Cargo from Dubai picked from the airport by A-Plus.

We have quarantined all A-Plus crew at least for 14 days at our Isolation Centre. The death certificate relates to Covid-19. Please let’s continue to educate our masses on the danger and seriousness of this pandemic.”

Tweet by Ntungamo Youth Foundation about the smuggled body

This however comes a few days after President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni issued a directive to the effect that no COVID-19 bodies should be repatriated to Uganda and that whoever dies of Coronavirus should either be buried or cremated in the country where they die from.

“Let no one bring any bodies of people that have died of COVID-19 to Uganda. Whoever dies of COVID-19 outside Uganda should be buried there, you can also choose to cremate them, but let no one bring the bodies here.”

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