Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Rtd Rev Tugume Tusingwire Named Caretaker Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese

Rukungiri – The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu has appointed Rt Rev. Patrick Tugume Tusingwire as the caretaker Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese in Rukungiri district following the death of Bishop Benon Magezi.

Bishop Magezi succumbed to COVID 19 on Tuesday at Mulago National Referral Hospital. 

Archbishop Kaziimba has made the announcement during the burial of the Rt. Rev. Benon Magezi at Emmanuel Cathedral, Rukungiri.

According to the Constitution and Canons of the Church of Uganda, when a diocese falls vacant, the Archbishop automatically becomes the Bishop of the Diocese and takes on all ecclesiastical authority. 

The Archbishop may, however, appoint a retired Bishop to serve on his behalf as a Caretaker Bishop.

Bishop Tugume retired as the Bishop of North Kigezi on January 8th 2017 and handed over to Bishop Benon Magezi as his successor.

Archbishop Kaziimba

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