Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Rising water level threatens lives at Rwenshama landing site.

Transport along Rwenshama road in Queen Elizabeth national park, Bwambara sub county, Rukungiri district has been paralyzed after the rising water levels from river Nchwera cut off the road at around 10am.
According to Keneth Niwagaba the Rweshama parish chairperson in Bwambara Sub County, most of the water in river Nchwera originates from Kiyanga and Bitereko sub counties in Mitooma district that feeds the river that in turn pours it in Lake Edward.
He added that water levels of Lake Edward at Rwenshama landing site have increased putting people’s lives at risk
Motorists heading to the Rwenshama landing site are now forced to use small boats to carry their motorcycles since they have no alternative route.
Motorists crossing the cut off section pay between Ugx 3000-5000 whereas people pay 1000 to cross the waters.
Rweshama landing site has only one access route which has forced traders to ask the government through Rukungiri district local government to look for an alternative access route.

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