Friday, July 26News That Matters

UWA gives out water tanks to communities neighboring Bwindi National Park.

The Rubanda District Communities Neighboring Bwindi-Mgahinga National Park have received rain water harvesting tanks from the Uganda Wild Life Authority.
The 339 water tanks with a holding capacity of 1500 litres were procured with part of the Ugx 800 million released by UWA to Rubanda District, in line with the revenue sharing policy under which National Parks share a portion of their earnings with local governments within their boundaries.
The money is released to the District Accounts, and in turn the District drafts budgets in collaboration with Lower Local Authorities whose Sub counties/town councils have boundaries with the National Parks.
While speaking at a ceremony to flag off distribution of the water tanks in Ikumba Sub County, Rubanda District LC/5 Chairperson Ampeire Stephen Kasyaba explained that 150 tanks were allocated for communities in Ikumba while 189 were procured for Ruhiija Sub County, to tackle the challenge of water scarcity in the area.
He further explained that they had allocated the rest of the 800 million released by UWA in this financial year, to the education sector, health, road maintenance and water supply systems, among others.
Kasyaba noted that the water tanks had been requested by the communities through their local leaders. He however realized that the water tanks procured were missing taps, and he instructed the Sub county Chiefs to buy taps for the beneficiaries when UWA releases the next quarter in June, this year.
“I didn’t know that your tanks had been bought without taps, but I have instructed the Sub county Chief to buy the taps in the next Phase where we expect money from UWA in June,” Kasyaba said before he cautioned beneficiaries against selling off the water tanks.” Kasyaba said.

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