Saturday, July 27News That Matters

profitable Businesses You Can Start In Uganda with Less than Sh500, 000

For the last six years, I have been approached by a number of people asking about notable investment opportunities. Today, I look back and proudly admire proven testimonials from friends who started with 100k and now have thriving businesses. At the end of this covid crisis, if there is anything you can walk away with, let it be you becoming “a job maker not a job seeker.“ Choose below a field that can help you get started with little

By elite reporter

Businesses you can start with capital between 100k – 500k UGX

1. Restaurant: food has a lot of profit u can never go wrong once you get a place that is busy.

2. Car wash/ night parking: Hire a place. They are always cheap and start with washing cars, car washing costs around 5 to 10k.

3. Home cleaning: all you need is to buy cleaning items and you start knocking on people’s homes asking for jobs.

4. Barber shop: all you need is a chair and mirror and shaving machine. Cutting hair costs between 5k to 20k depending on location.

5. Rice and posho: the most consumed food is posho and rice. If you supply this to people at homes or offices you’ll get good profit.

6. Phone charging and gadget Business: all you need is a socket from a shop you can sub-rent and charge 500 shillings .

7. Sale of Bedsheet and Pillowcases: buy good materials from Kiyembe and get a good tailor, start selling to people in offices.

8. Shoe selling: buy from Nabugabo and sell them to the corporates class in offices.

9. Chapati making: find a busy area and start this chapati business, people eat snacks in kikomado and Rolex on a daily (breakfast, lunch, supper).

10. Muchomo selling joint: goats meat/chicken Muchomo if well packaged will attract people to buy from you. Get a good location .

11. Football kibanda: Football is here to stay and yet so many fans around the country can’t afford

12. Selling breakfast/ simple lunch: sell to corporates in offices.

13. Selling ready to eat fruits or greens: most people are lazy when it comes to healthy eating. If you supply fruits and greens to them, many can buy this idea. But you have to be so clean.

14. Selling good quality Owino (used clothes) or Nabugabo clothes: sell to the corporate class because they are so busy to go shopping.

15. Photocopying and printing: get a busy area mostly near police stations or offices.

16. Supply movies to offices: most people are bored at home, others don’t have time to look for nice films. Supply them with movies at a good fee.

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