Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Poor Waste In Mukono Municipality Worries Residents.

Mukono Municipality residents and traders are likely to be attacked by diseases related to poor hygiene which is due to poor waste management by the Mukono municipality occupants.
On almost every road that leads towards Mukono town, one is welcomed by a heavy stench coming from heaps of garbage piled up by residents on road sides.
In areas like Nakabago, Nasuuti, Wantoni and Kamwaanyi valley behind Sombe supermarket, garbage is littered everywhere that has caused a heavy stench from the decomposing animal corpses.
The heavy stench has drawn attention from both residents and the business community complaining about the irregular collection and disposal of garbage by the municipality leaders.
They say for over a month, the municipality authorities have not collected garbage mostly in the main busy trading centers in the municipality.
Patrick Kikabi, a trader along Kayunga road, says it’s now a month since the garbage started piling on the road side and the municipality authorities are looking
He wonders why the authorities have failed to manage the garbage despite charging them monthly and annual taxes.
Nalongo Hasifa, a restaurant owner in Wantoni trading center, says the stench and flies from the uncollected hips of garbage have chased away all her customers.
Allan Mawanda, the Mukono central division speaker, faults the government’s failure to remit the local revenue collected back to local governments in time.
Mawanda asked government to remit the funds to local governments on time, to avoid incumburances in their service delivery, because they fuel to run garbage trucks and also maintain them
Councillor Mayimuna Naggita of Ggulu ward however, says they are doing all they can to ensure that the garbage is well managed by sensitizing the masses on waste management.
Naggita added that the municipality council has plans to create more garbage recycling herbs in every parish in the municipality.
Elisa Mukasa Nkoyoyo, the Mukono municipality mayor, has called for calm from business people and residents, saying the garbage problems will be solved soon.
Nkoyoyo noted that the population of Mukono is growing day and night and the resources are not enough to manage garbage, he added that all the paperwork is finished to get the contractors to collect the garbage in both divisions of Goma and Central.
“Municipality has also passed a bylaw to enforce people who litter everywhere and the punishment is a weekly community work in places like Roads, hospitals and markets, the Solicitor General has already signed on our bylaw” said Nkoyoyo.

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