Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Police Confirms Arrest of Mbalala Police OC Asiimwe Over The Shooting Of The 14 year Girl.

RESIDENTS of Kasenge village, Mbalala trading center in Mukono district on Saturday stormed the Mbalala Police station demanding the arrest of (OC) Coleb Asiimwe and the immediate release of their colleagues who were detained.

The residents accused the officer in charge of Mbalala police station of shooting a 14 year old Shamira Nambatala who was a a barmaid and chips seller.

The incident occurred on the night of 31st, December 2021, Asiimwe’s curfew operation started moving around Mbalala bars and motels collecting money from owners between Shs. 50000 to Shs 100000 and those who failed to comply could order his men to beat whoever was inside.

At Kasenge he found people happening while others were selling fried chicken and chips. He started shooting to disperse them and incidentally two bullets shot a fourteen year girl.

The angry residents stormed Mbalala police station with placards demanding his arrest, Police responded with live bullets in the air and tear gas aimed at the mob.

The Nama subcounty speaker Badiru Kirabire noted that he has been receiving complaints from the residents about the brutality of Asiimwe under the influence of alcohol.
“I warned him against his un professionalism while conducting the operations, I also reported the matter to his seniors but they didn’t act.” Said Kirabire.

Gerald Mukasa told us that Asiimwe and his juniors don’t warn roadside vendors; they instead start by beating them up and also kicking their food stuff down. The Mukono District Police Commander Annabella Nyinamahoro tamed the pressure from the mob by introducing the new OC Olivia Nabiko at the police station. “I want you to be calm. Asiimwe is behind the Bars at Mukono police. I am also introducing the new OC and I want all the detained people to be released.” Noted Nyinamahoro.

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