Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Opinion: Why You Need Change That You Can Trust

By George Muhimbise

Next January, we go to the polls to choose the next President of Uganda. Other factors left constant, we hope to choose who to lead this country in the next five years.

Now than ever before Ugandans need change. They want new leaders with hope that they can experience change in their lives. In education, health, standards of living, job creation, law and order, security, etc Ugandans expect better in the next 5 years.

Different political parties and candidates have promised to deliver that change through their good manifestos. Manifestos are always good, there is no bad manifesto. A manifesto is like dating a woman for marriage, all men will make good promises to the lady, whether they can fulfil the promises or not is another issue.

Uganda is having its 8th President in the names of Gen Museveni; we have had 9 regimes with Milton Obote having led the country twice. So our country has previously experienced a change of leaders.

Besides the Presidency, there has been change of leaders at all other levels from Parliament to local government. All these have promised to change our lives through their manifestos, unfortunately not all of them have done so, actually majority have disappointed us in the long run.

The overwhelming support and excitement we make while bringing leaders is the same we make when we are pushing them out of office.

So with so many experiments of change of leaders at different levels, but also aware of some countries that have had change of leaders in the region, it’s evident that change does not necessarily or automatically bring about changes in people’s wellbeing. In other words change is not exclusively good, change can become better or worse!

Therefore as Ugandans vote for change, we should bear in our minds that change is as good as the quality of change itself, it’s as good as the leaders we choose to deliver that change.

The quality of leaders we choose to deliver change will determine whether we get a positive change or not. We should go beyond the manifestos and internalise the leaders and their capabilities so that we assess whether they have the capacity to deliver the change that they promise. Whether they have the necessary experience to handle the dynamics, pressures and temptations that come with power.

We need to scrutinize whether the leaders we choose have the necessary teams of like-minded people who shall effect the change they yearn and work for. No single leader can transform a county, it’s a team of leaders with the same ideology and beliefs that can influence and change a society.

In spirit of this, the Alliance for National Transformation led by Gen. Gregory Mugisha Muntu has the necessary capabilities to steer the change that Ugandans want.

The most unfortunate thing, is where Ugandans who what change at the same time claim that ANT or Mugisha Muntu have a different approach, which is good for Europe and not Africa or Uganda. That they are too good to manage Uganda’s politics!

If you do the same thing over and over again, expecting different results then you are mad, if any Ugandan expects to have  qualitative change but thinks that he should elect or chose leaders who are similar to the ones we are having, rather than leaders who offer a different approach, then it’s a tragedy that Uganda faces.

You cannot give what you don’t have. You have to be different to bring out a difference in the way things are done. ANT with its flag bearer Gen Mugisha Muntu are different people, with a different approach that they can cause a difference in the way Public affairs are managed.

The values that we espouse, being tolerant, honest, God fearing, disciplined, divinity and respecting, incorruptible etc are what makes us a unique entity and we are confident that with this uniqueness, once given power we shall manage it better and deliver the change we have all yearned for.

Vote Mugisha Muntu for President, Vote ANT candidates at all levels, Vote for the change you can Trust., 0787836515

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