Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Museveni Snubs Sudanese Peace deal Ceremony

JUBA – Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has snubbed the signing of the Sudanese peace agreement and has instead sent his Prime Minister, Sudans Post’s Nancy Abdel Rahman who is at the venue of the signing of the Sudanese peace deal in Juba reports.

“Yesterday we were told by the head of the southern mediation team Tut Gatluak that the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni will attend the signing ceremony of the peace agreement,” Nancy said.

“However, we have just seen the Ugandan Prime Minister instead of President Museveni. Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda has just arrived and we are waiting for other regional leaders to arrive at the venue,” she added, saying “the regional leaders are already in Juba.”

Regional leaders gather in Juba

Several leaders including the presidents of Chad, Ethiopia, Djibuoti, Sudan as well as representatives of the governments of Egypt, European Union and the United States have already arrived in Juba.

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda has also arrived in the capital.

This afternoon, Sudanese parties will sign a landmark peace agreement to end decades of war.

The peace process came about as consequent of a 2018 offer by South Sudan government to mediate between the Sudanese warring parties.

However, two main opposition groups, the SPLM-North faction led by General Abdel Aziz Adam al-Hillu and the SLM led by General Abdel Wahid Nur, have not accepted the agreement and have remained outside the process.

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