Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Museveni Cracks Whip At KCCA, Fires Kitaka As Kisaka Takes Over

By Keefa Nuwahereza

In his bid to fight corruption at the Kampala Capital Authority (KCAA), Museveni on Friday fired the Executive Director Eng. Andrew Kitaka and other senior directors.

The move came shortly after Museveni had announced that he is going to rid the country of all corrupt officers and that after cleaning the rot at URA he was to handle other agencies.

Outgoing KCCA ED Andrew Kitaka

Shortly firing them, the President proposed four candidates to fill vacant positions among them being Dorothy Kisaka, for Executive Director, Eng. David Luyimbazi Ssali- Deputy Executive Director, Ms Sarah Kanyike, Director Gender, Community Services and  Production, Grace Akullo- Director Human Resources and Administration.

We have established however that although the proposed appointees have to first be vetted by the Public Service Committee, Kisaka is likely to sail through as the new KCCA boss, replacing Kitaka, who has been at the helm of the Authority since 2018 when he was appointed by President Museveni, after  the former ED Jennifer Musisi resigned.  

Museveni also declined to confirm James Sserunkuuma as deputy director and instead nominated Eng David Luyimbazi Ssali for the position.

In-coming KCCA boss Dorothy Kisaka

However, Eng. Kitaka and Sserunkuuma will retain their substantive positions as director of Engineering and technical services and revenue collections respectively.

The President also nominated Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago’s deputy, Ms Sarah Kanyike, as director gender, community service and production replacing Ms Irene Mudondo.

On the other hand, Dr Daniel Okello Ayen was confirmed as director public health and environment.

Grace Akullo, moving from the ministry of public service, will be the new director human resource and administration replacing Mr Richard Lule.

Museveni letter about the new KCCA management team

However, while commenting about the matter, President Museveni’s spokesperson, Mr Don Wanyama tweeted last night thus; “Media colleagues, on proposed changes at KCCA by Kaguta Museveni, for now we can say they are nominees who have to go through vetting by PSC. To report like it’s a foregone conclusion (and that current office bearers are sacked asap) is not exactly accurate.’

Who Is Kisaka?

Dorothy is Senior Presidential Advisor in the Government of Uganda, at the Office of the Prime Minister, tasked with coordinating with political and nonpolitical actors to implement public policy. She is Deputy Head at the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit, fast tracking service delivery on government priorities.

Her background is in law, a private law practitioner with 20 years’ experience, legal counsel to governance boards, and experienced in organisational strategic leadership.

Kisaka is Senior Presidential Advisor in the Government of Uganda, at the Office of the Prime Minister, tasked with coordinating with political and non political actors to implement public policy. She is Deputy Head at the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit, fast tracking service delivery on government priorities.

Her background is in law, a private law practitioner with 20years experience, legal counsel to governance boards, and experienced in organisational strategic leadership. Dorothy mentors leaders in Uganda and world wide as visiting international faculty. She pioneered a Leadership School under Destiny Consult which trains highly placed market place leaders to serve with excellence and integrity.

Formerly a commissioner at the NRM Electoral Commission supervising intra-party elections, she currently serves as Board Chairman for Development Associates International, and represents Africa on the Haggai International Board. She is a dynamic communicator, and a strong advocate for the placement of abandoned children in families. Dorothy lives in Kampala Uganda with her husband and children.

Kisaka mentors leaders in Uganda and worldwide as visiting international faculty. She pioneered a Leadership School under Destiny Consult which trains highly placed market place leaders to serve with excellence and integrity.

Formerly a commissioner at the NRM Electoral Commission supervising intra-party elections, she currently serves as Board Chairman for Development Associates International, and represents Africa on the Haggai International Board. She is a dynamic communicator, and a strong advocate for the placement of abandoned children in families.

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