Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Mukono Muslims cautioned on divisions as they received food relief in the holy month of Ramadan

Thousands of Muslims in the villages of Nakaswa, Jumba, Nakibano, Ndese and many more in Mukono district, at least went back to their homes with a smile on their cheeks yesterday

This comes after food distribution to the Muslim community in Mukono and Kayunga districts by “Direct aid Uganda” a Kuwait based NGO’s support to the Muslims during the holy month of Ramadhan. The food items that were given out include sugar, rice, maize flour and cooking oil.

This is the second consecutive year as the fasting season has fallen at a time when the world is grappling with the COVID 19 pandemic which has disrupted the livelihoods of Muslims. This support is due to the long standing relationship that Al-Khamis has had with the Muslim community of Mukono for  several years.

Sheikh. Menya Aswir the project supervisor, said that they made a survey and found out that many Muslims in the villages of Nakifuma county, cannot support their polygamous families in the holy month of Ramadhan. That’s why we came out with this initiative with the help from our friends from Kuwait.

“The covid 19 challenge can stop us, but instead gives us greater motivation to support the Muslim community as we are aware that many of them are unable to work because of the lockdown,” Ibrahim Tagsil, Director Al-Khamis Islamic center.

Nalongo Masitula a 66 year wheeled elderly, narrated to us that before the outbreak of covid 19, her children used to provide her with the necessary needs in fasting, but currently her children are not in position to support her because their jobs were paralyzed by the lockdown.

The female beneficiaries also reported that their spouses are unable to support their polygamous families with the necessary needs, as most of them have nothing to do,”we thank this Arab man for supporting us with food otherwise many of us have facing difficulties in getting dhaaku” said residents.

At the function, the leader of Muslims sheikhs in Uganda,  Sheikh. Obeid Abdul Kamulegeya lashed out at some Moslem leaders in Uganda who are creating divisions in religion.

 “We are lagging behind because of misunderstandings amongst the Muslims community that’s why we cannot work together to support the needy ” warned Obeid.    

Shekh. Kamulegeya cited an example of the Muslims in the Arab who are working together for the benefit of Muslims in Africa.

“Let’s borrow a leaf from our friends in the Arab world and put our differences aside and work as one in mobilising funds to support our needy muslim friends” Sheik Kamulegeya.

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