Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Mathew Kirabo found guilty of murdering Desire Mirembe.

Mukono High court judge Henry Isabirye Kawesa found Mathew Kirabo guilty in a murder case of Desire Mirembe who was a Makerere student.

The Mukono High court was fully packed with the late Desire Mirembe’s family members against one relative from Kirabo’s side, then court humbly started with a short prayer conducted by the lead defense counsel Charles Dalton Opwonya.

After the moment of prayer, Happiness Ainebyona the resident state attorney asked court to adjourn the court session because the assessors were not in court, a thing that was objected by the defense counsel Charles Opwonya.

“It’s my player that this case is adjourned to another day due to the absence of the court assessors”, said Ainebyona.

After reading the ruling for almost 3hrs until, he found Mathew Kirabo guilty in his absence and ordered the state attorney to find means of arresting Kirabo so that he is sentenced to prison

Emanuel Musoke, the father to the late Desire Mirembe expressed concern over the laxity of the laws for allowing Kirabo to attend court sessions while on bail, because there was enough evidence to ensure that he attends court coming from prison.

“My happiness has been cut short, because the suspect was not in the dock, I partly blame the judiciary and police for being reluctant because the evidence produced by the 15 witnesses was enough to arrest Matthew, but gave him the bail and he vanished” Musoke complained.

Musoke however, calls the public, police and judiciary to do the needful and arrest Matthew Kirabo so that he can be sentenced because as per now he has achieved nothing.

“I call upon Ugandans to join the hunt for Kirabo such that we get justice for the murder of our daughter” said Musoke.

The defense side hired two law firms of Opwonya and company advocates and Alaka and company advocates however, after the case they all vanished in thin air.

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