Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Kibalama’s NUP Faction Set to Open Offices.

A section of the National Unity Platform (NUP), led by Moses Kibalama will soon be opening its offices in Rubaga division.

Paul Ssimbwa who claimed to be the faction’s secretary-general said the delegates sat and everything was resolved according to the party constitution.

“I want you to get this thing right and clearly. What you must understand is that NUP has a constitution which we followed when we held a delegate conference and resolved to change the leadership of the party. We resolved to change the headquarters of the party,” he said.

He said that the NUP leadership headed by Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine should accept the changes in good faith.

“There is a challenge and I want you to remember very well that NUP metamorphosed from NURP and it is not true that Kyagulanyi changed the name of the party. He only became a flag bearer within the time,” he told The Nile Post during a phone interview.

He explained that in the party constitution it is clearly stated that delegate conferences shall be held every two years and that is what happened and they should not be misinterpreted.

“It is very unhealthy for people to come in leadership in the party they found there and they want to run it the way they want. It is us who ushered them to the party. I was the secretary-general when they came,” he said.

NUP secretary-general David Lewis Rubongoya said that he had nothing to comment about the matter. “I won’t talk about them. I know what they are up to, so I won’t talk about them.”

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