Friday, July 26News That Matters

Jose Chameleon abandons his popular stage name.

 By Keefa Nuwahereza.

musician Joseph Mayanja says he no longer wants to be referred by the stage
name Jose Chameleon.

Mayanja, who’s built a fan base across
East Africa with hit songs such as Mama Mia, Valu Valu, Tubonge and Kipepeo, says he should henceforth be referred to
by the names on his passport and other identification documents.

stress the point, Mayanja bought space in the dailies to drive the point home.                  

“I Mayanja Joseph formerly known as Mayanja Joseph Chameleone, a
Citizen of Uganda do hereby absolutely renounce and abandon the use of my
former name of Mayanja Joseph Chameleone and lieu, therefore, assume as from
the day hereof my new name Mayanja Joseph,” read his statement.

“And I hereby
authorize and request all persons to designate and address me by the name of
Mayanja Joseph.”

The musician’s
stance is rumoured to be linked with his recent decision to join politics.

He has announced
his intent to contest for the Kampala Lord Mayor seat in the 2021general elections and already linked up with fellow
musician Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine on the National Unity Party (NUP)


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