Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Woman accuses her husband of sexually assaulting their 2 children.

An audio recording has been making the rounds on social media where a one Sarah Nalwoga Igeme, accused her husband Dr. Igeme Katagwa, of sexually molesting their two children, a boy aged 15 and a girl aged 13.
According to the police, this is the third time the same woman is accusing her husband.
“In the two previous complaints, the complainant was found to have maliciously fabricated the allegations against her husband, after no proof of inappropriate or sexualized behavior was established between her husband and their two children,” said the police.
The police added, “From the interviews and findings, the counselor did not find any signs of physical or sexual abuse, but she indicated that they had signs of psychological torture, as a result of abuse from their mother. The victims were also examined by Doctors at Mulago National Referral Hospital, and none of them found any evidence of alleged physical and sexual abuse.”
However, the police said that they have taken interest in the audio, and will establish if there are any new developments.
“We also urge parents, whether separated or not, to avoid making false allegations against anyone, especially in cases involving children.
It’s never worth, it because it destroys families, severs children’s relationships with the labeled parent, causes harm to children if custody is granted on fabrications among others,” said the police.

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